October 2022 Condo Contest (Halloween)

Hey everyone!

Halloween is next month, so it’s time to open up the submission period for the Halloween Condo Contest! :jack_o_lantern:

The submission period ends on October 26th, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

As usual, feel free to interpret that however you like! Whether you make a secret lab, grave yard, haunted mansion, or a fun Halloween party, anything goes as long as its related to the Halloween spirit!

If you’d like to see previous Halloween Condo Contest entries for inspiration, check some out here:

Be sure to look at the prizes and follow the rules below!

:fireworks: → CONTEST RESULTS ← :fireworks:


  • 1st Place - 2,000,000 Units
  • 2nd Place - 1,000,000 Units
  • 3rd Place - 750,000 Units
  • 4th Place - 500,000 Units
  • 5th Place - 300,000 Units

Note: Participation prizes (100k) may be rewarded to participants when we’re happy with the quality of entries, along with other bonuses for close contenders.

Prize amounts / Places may be raised depending on the types/amounts of entries.


  • Must post at least 3 pictures of your Condo.

  • Focus your pictures on the area relevant to the contest.

  • Must be appropriate content (no nudity, hate speech, etc.)

  • Only make 1 submission post.

  • You can update your post until the deadline.

  • Must be something new. Don’t submit something you started before this post was made. (You can build/make additions in a pre-existing Condo, though.)

  • If you won first place in the previous month’s contest and decide to enter this contest, you will still get a participation prize, but you cannot get a winning placement (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) again until the next contest.

  • Try to only submit WIP builds towards the end of the contest, if you want to submit something you aren’t able to finish before the deadline.

How To Submit:

  • Post at least 3 screenshots of your Condo as a reply to this thread as your entry to the contest. If you can’t upload images here, use an external image hosting service such as Imgur to embed the images here.
  • Include your Steam ID in the submission, so we can award you the Units if you win! (If you aren’t sure how to send your Steam64 ID, just link to your Steam Profile in your submission post.)


Tower Unite now allows for Co-Op building in condos, and, since that is the case, we have some rules for submitting a Condo built with others.

You can go about submitting builds from Co-Op condos in two ways:

1. Everyone who participated in the build gets credit

An Example: Person A opens their condo for Person B and C to help them build a Haunted House. Person A builds the structure, and Person B and C help them decorate it. They all like how it came out as a whole, and want to submit it to the contest together.

  • If you submit this way, the owner of the Condo should make a post with pictures of the whole build.
  • Include the usernames and Steam IDs of everyone who participated.
  • If the entry wins, the prize will be divided equally amongst the participants.

2. One person takes credit for their part of a larger build

An Example: Person A opens their Condo for Person B to help build a Haunted House in. Person A builds a cool maze next to the house, while Person B decorates a bunch of rooms on their own. Both want to submit their parts of the build separately.

  • If you submit this way, post pictures of the part of the Condo that you built.
  • Include your Steam ID.
  • If the entry wins, you will get the full prize.

After the deadline has passed, the submissions are judged by community voting, which I will post a link to in the responses to this thread once I finish setting it up.

Have fun, and if you need help with anything about the contest, let me know in this thread or in a private message! :bat:


Merry meet and merry Samhain/Halloween all, from your local witch. Welcome to Hexes & Herbs:



Please include your Steam ID in your post!

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My Steam ID is Hexthatshyt - Apologies (New to game) Enjoying every second of playtime, win or lose. Blessings 2 U all at Pixeltail Games :dizzy::nerd_face::candle:

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Here is my take on the Halloween Event!
Steam ID: [STEAM_0:1:178149139

Simple 3 pictures showcasing how Halloween can be celebrated anywhere! "Including in a Nature scene.
Side note… 3rd picture is just showing a Halloween picture scene.

Water Garden Halloween

Nature with a Twist!

Screenshot Boo!

Thank y’all so much for this oppertunity! Happy Halloween! :jack_o_lantern:


Welcome to Ricardqo’s Haunted Mansion
Enter at your own risk :skull_and_crossbones:

A tribute to the greatest horror director of all time - George Romero!


October 22 Condo Contest

Occult Mishaps is a not so abandoned cabin in the woods where witches went too far and summoned some truly terrifying beasts. Cannibalism and curses abound, you might get lost in the corridors. Quick video link on youtube: october condo contest 2022 - YouTube
Kim Jong Jeff on steam Steam Community :: Kim Jong Jeff
Steam ID: 76561198059848673


@Kim_Jong_Jeff Please edit your post to include your Steam ID or a link to your Steam profile.

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TY! Fixed! Tried to attach a gif but couldn’t figure it out so I posted a link.

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Hello Team,

I’m Roco, I’ve created a 100% custom walkable Halloween maze in my condo!

All players are able to bring friends and gets to walk my creepy maze. So far it’s been a big hit, I’ve hosted my condo online past few nights. I started in 8/23/22 and finished about 4 days ago 10/01/22, I’ve put into 30-40 Hours into building it all together. Let’s hope I could bring this Win!

Steam ID: 76561198014670464

Thank you Tower Unite! <3


Hi! It’s my first contest submision ever, and it’s still pretty much WIP, but I am working on a recreation of Halloween Town from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas!
So far I have the Town Hall, part of the Plaza (with my poor attempt on making the fountain and its statue); and Jack Skellington’s house. The idea is to build at least the rest of the plaza, if I can manage to finish it on time.
I am having a blast anyway so thank you for this contest!

EDIT: I def not going to have enough time to finish the plaza, so I decided to detail more what I made, and add the famous curvy hill

Steam id: 76561198069942859


steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57999336

Killer Stories at Crystal Lake


steamID64: 76561198007200105

Witches cave


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20665070

In the wooded forests of Pennsylvania, you’re driving down a back road, when suddenly your car breaks down. Funny, you just got it inspected…

Without cell service, you flick on your flashlight and move toward the gates of an old, abandoned mine tunnel, hopefully while derelict, the phones inside may still work.

But, as you soon find out, this mine may not be as untouched as you may think…

Welcome to Mine 22

There will be more added as the month grows, and I may update this post with more if so, but, the experience will also be hosted, just look for ‘Mine 22’ in the condo hub to explore this derelict mine for yourself!~

Happy Halloween.

(Forgive the discord thing in the top left)


I started building this condo on the night of the 27th of September, and finished it on the 12th of October.
Steam ID: 76561198068835262

Castle Pixelwick
Welcome to the Castle of Count Pixelwick. Upon entering you stand in the grand hall, where the count and his guests shall dine:

The throne of the Count:

To the left and right of the throne are two hallways; the left hall leads to the guest room, and the right leads to the kitchen:

Between the two hallways lies the castle’s library:

At the far side of the library is a trophy room containing the weapons of foolish warriors who dared to defeat the great count (and a taxidermy werewolf!):

The guest room at the end of the left hallway:

The kitchen at the end of the right hallway:

The servant’s quarters:

Wait a minute… what is this?

It’s cold…

An evil force lights these dark crypts…

This must be the inner sanctum, the resting place of the count…

The coffin is opened…

The count is out hunting, for the night is still young…

Happy Halloween…


Steam Profile: Baby In A Pipe
ID64: 76561198036810834

Brimstone Cathedral
Hell’s one and only

Workshop Link

Video Tour



my steam id64: 76561198055273465

NOW INTRODUCING: A full recreation of Ganon’s Castle, the Temple of Time, and a mild recreation of the ruined castle town from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

workshop link Steam Workshop::Ganon's Castle, Fairy Fountain, Temple of Time


I wanted to use Ice Moon for this contest somehow, but I didn’t really wanna do sci-fi, so I just made a farm with Halloween decorations but also abducted by aliens.

Steamid64: 76561198045136690

Workshop Link



Steamid64: 76561198002515695

For my entry I will submit the first section of my adventure map.
This is the oldest section of the map but also the most recently expanded, modified and improved upon!

Starting out in an abandoned medical facility you make your way through the halls and rooms.

Looks like a team must of been here recently…

Eventually you end up going through some recreated mini versions of other games (Slenderman, SCP-087 and The Backrooms)

After which you are sent through a small but spooky maze filled with several interesting things to come across.

Beyond the maze is for you to explore… :grin:

The entire map is about an hour in length. If you wish to play, the workshop link is below: