It’s still been suggested… let me count how many times actually.
Okay so hear me out.
A portal opens and the players all get teleported into a place maybe it’s a store of some sort with all kinds of furniture and stuff, and the prop hunt game begins. BUT the trick is you can’t stay still and hide forever. To keep the game moving (ideally the game would only be 5 minutes at the most, shorter if less than 10 players are playing perhaps). players only have 10-15 seconds per transformation into a prop before it turns off. Forcing players to keep moving and get c…
anyone else think it would be cool if there was a way to initiate a game of prop hunt in the lobby?
With all the items this game has already and custom condos coming a Prop Hunt game or mode would be amazing I know its a little far fetched but I think it would be fun.
you can make the gamemode prop and what are you doing in prop hunt u might ask there is two teams one is the props that can be any object that you can pick up(or u can think about wich u can be) and the props need to hide without the hunters killing the props with theyre guns (recomended guns list:Smg,shotgun,crowbar, u can put nuke tube for the smg if u want cuz its recomended too) the hunters need to kill all the props in time but if they shot a prop that is not a player they will lose health…
I would like to Suggest something like this. Something like Prop Hunt or Murder or TTT type of games would be cool to have on Tower Unite like they were part of Gmod. Just wondering if Creating anything close to them for Tower Unite would be possibility
So i have an idea for a game and the purpose of it is that there is 1 murderer like person that searches for all the hiders. Don’t have any ideas yet but i think it can become something cool
As the title says , I would be curious to see if we could add a hiding/seeker game of some sort , of course up to TU to decide that. I think it would be an excellent game to add for those who like to be sneaky instead of murder fest , not driving or golfing ,and bouncing balls. It acts like a sort of calm adrenaline rush as seekers pass you by. While all the other game-modes are much better in terms of play-style , it would be nice to attend to those who wish to find hidden people or to hide in …
this one is even a suggestion for condo minigames, with prop hunt in the comments.
Well I wasn’t the first one but I was thinking of an object that you can interact to play games like tag, freeze tag, and maybe hide and seek (Prop hunt), etc.
sure, this person is suggesting prophunt, in a different area, but prop hunt has been suggested as a built in game mode, a custom game mode, a lobby minigame… it’s been suggested enough. the devs know people want it.
so, they have plans for their own version, by the looks of it
There’s a planned horror, “hide-and-seek” like game in the works called Panic at Horror Hill.
as seen here, which links to the wikia which has collected a bit of information on what this game mode is supposedly planned to be. Horror Hill | Tower Unite Wiki | Fandom
now for condos, prop hunt would likely fit under something they’re going to implement called ‘condo io’, which can be seen and discussed here Condo I/O system
and if you have ideas for it, a megathread is set up here
Post any ideas you have for Condo IO here!
Here’s a few ideas:
The host could place equippable items down for anyone to use. This could be used for weapon drops, and other things. These items could be equippables you buy at the stores, weapons from the games in TU, or even workshop weapons.
If you walk into an area, a scripted event happens. For example, the lights could start flickering/turn off, an NPC might run by, a door could open, a sound effect could play, you stop moving, etc.
so limbo, i think my statement is okay to stand.