Shadon removed from virus leaderboard

Just taking an educated guess since my friend is also legit as well, he has over 3 million points of Bowling put into the game, just for advice in the future macdguy and the rest of Pixeltail Games, try to ask the community about those that you think are cheating or such before banning that person, there may be bystander evidence that the person in question isn’t cheating. Also, yes you very much should have backups of leaderboards as well if you’re backing up user data, leaderboards fall under that as well.

Not directly related to Shadon but striking while the iron is hot here, can we also get genuine illegitimate records pulled from the leaderboards, namely StrangerDanger and Lizzie from Casino slots leaderboards, as they’ve both been documented to have been cheating.

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Please file player reports with evidence.