July 2019 Survey Results

Feel the same. The lot I play with is mostly across the ocean, and before with the touch mechanic we had minimal lag issues (maybe 1 person who always has issues every game would complain). Afterwards with the slashing it was actually worse for us. All of us. No matter the host. I mentioned this before on the steam forums and was told “left click to slash” as a fix. :expressionless: That was the last time I went to TU steam discussions.

It does have cluster issues in public servers. Takes a while for the more professional players to cause havoc (go thru the dynamite) while less experienced people just hide in a corner until the last 30 seconds when all hell breaks loose. Even so I still really like playing it.

I feel like almost all of the problems people have with Virus/LC in TU (essentially, everybody who says UCH/GMT Virus “felt” better) stem from P2P hosting - which is something that I doubt will change, unfortunately.

When I host a game of LC/Virus, it’s an amazing experience… for me. When I join someone with 70~ latency (remember, latency is only one half of the trip!) it’s quite a miserable experience. Plus, hosts disconnecting is frustrating.

As unlikely as it is to change, I do wonder how much better Virus and LC would be received on dedicated servers.


Yeah, I mean, honestly, any PvP game is much better with dedicated servers. As funny as it might sound, one of the biggest things I get hyped for in PvP games, is when they announce that the game is getting dedicated servers. Can’t remember what game it was, but there was this game I loved a few years back and it came to E3 that year just to announce the addition of dedicated servers. That was literally their only big announcement. That was one of the best announcements for me that year. lol

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Community condos are getting dedicated servers, right? Perhaps it would be feasible to port that functionality into gameworlds as well, particularly with the upcoming continuous play feature.

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Are they? I could’ve sworn they said that you’d have to host it. That’s awesome, if so.

Community condos will be player-hosted, not developer-hosted.


Players would have to host it, but I’m fairly certain a dedicated server is fundamentally different from P2P in a way that helps mitigate lag. At the very least, having dedicated machines hosting servers rather than some arbitrary players’ machines should have better performance overall, even leaving out the potential for proper server hosting.

I’m curious why players cant host dedicated gameworld servers themselves? We can (or could?) host plaza servers which is pointless since some activities are disabled. So why not use those resources towards gameworlds instead while we wait for community condos?

I know. What I meant was, I thought we were gonna have to run the server ourselves, like how the current plaza server hosting works.

I just meant that I thought we’d have to host the server ourselves, like how the current plaza hosting works

I’d imagine that you can’t just take the dedicated server software and say “now do a Zombie Massacre server” with it. Most of it’s probably usable, but my guess is that some of the networking backend needs to be changed depending on the gameworld. I don’t know the innards of multiplayer game servers, though, so I’m not really an expert on this.

I must have read that statement differently than you intended. What do you mean by this, then?

I’m terrible with words, so that’s understandable. lol. You know how you can host a Plaza server now? They provide the software but you gotta provide your own hardware to run it. That’s how I thought Community Condos was gonna work.

Yeah, that’s the plan if the trello card is anything to go by. We’ll be given the tools to make a dedicated server for condos. It looks like the dedicated server part is already checked off, too.

Oh yeah. Didn’t notice that.

I think there’s an issue with player hosted dedicated servers involving activities that can reward units. It’s the same reason they couldn’t get player hosted plazas into a state where they’d be useful (being able to reward units). Kinda like how progression enabled dedicated servers for older Battlefield games had to be hosted on certain approved hosts and only allowed so much customisation to the server itself. Dedicated condos work because they don’t reward units at any stage so they don’t have to figure out some kind of security to ensure people can’t exploit the unit system in some way.

This is from memories of it being mentioned a while ago so it might not be 100% correct. I’d love to have dedicated gameworld servers though, if Pixeltail ever find a way to do it then I believe it’d improve the experience of all the gameworlds greatly.


The actual game that deserves more maps is Virus.

i feel LC should have more maps
minigolf and ballrace already have a ton

also yeah new virus infect sucks, since it makes situations where someone will run into me without me noticing and getting infected not happen anymore, if the new infect is staying then i do beg at least give the option to choose between the old and the new infect


You know, judging by the poll results (and I got roughly 150 hours on record) I can say this:

  • I would prefer new golf maps (that’s what I voted for) as a variety aspect. If I had to say my favorite golf map was a thing, it would be Garden. I also played GMT, and my favorite then was Sandbar (I miss that map by the way)

  • In the field of Ballrace, the return of Grass World was amazing. Prism was one of my favorites, despite its difficulty. I won’t mind new Ballrace maps either, to be fair.

  • With Virus, that is actually one of the modes I check for open lobbies and sometimes I don’t even see them open. With virus maps, you need to strike a fine balance between survivors and infected. If one side is too easy then the others, then that map will be overplayed and people would avoid the mode. I do honestly like Hospital (old Virus hospital was unbalanced) and Overtime the most, as they are well balanced.

  • Little Crusaders has generally an actively toxic community, so I can’t exactly say much about this mode to be fair. I also don’t generally find that mode as fun when people are toxic.

  • Zombie Massacre, while new, does need more scenarios. I do like the idea behind it.

I’m looking forward to a lot of the new content, specifically Arcade and Accelerate, but Arcade being the most looked forward to. While I don’t actively post on these forums often, I feel this might be a good way to leave some feedback from my point of view from my time on Tower Unite.


Thought I’d pop in one last time before the thread closes to say this:

Minigolf does need a new map, as much as I and many others are a bit resistant to it. As mentioned, games like Ballrace and Minigolf rely on map variety more than any other game world. Not to mention the Minigolf maps released after launch have all been at least slightly controversial as to whether they’re any good (Sweet Tooth and its sequel Kingdom have contracted probably the most hate, Treasure Cove was hopelessly buggy until recently, and Forest has never seemed to please anybody except me). There also hasn’t been one in quite a bit, and two Ballrace maps since Kingdom.

Though despite this, I think it is an equal or greater priority to release maps for game worlds like Little Crusaders and Virus. Obviously there are preferred and more important games to produce maps for, but that does not mean they get exclusivity. Virus and LC have not had a new map since essentially their release, and they can still benefit from more variety. If a game is struggling in popularity, if anything it should be given the new maps, not the most popular (This is just an exaggeration, but you get the point).

A common thing I’ve seen is that Virus and LC in particular aren’t quite polished or in a state where maps should be pushed, which I could agree with, but there don’t seem to be any plans to fix/change or overhaul them (Except maybe some old discord messages I’ve been unable to find). If their quality is a concern, it hasn’t been expressed by the devs from what I’ve seen, so it doesn’t feel like a solid reason that maps are stalled.

Extra notes: Maps for Virus and LC don’t require the scope/level design that Minigolf and Ballrace do, so won’t be as taxing to the team in that way either, and I think the new Zombie Massacre map is a good idea, and that game benefits a bit more from new maps than LC and Virus (New boss, extra difficulty, etc.).


Minigolf needs a map, but underplayed modes shouldn’t be completely ignored, and have gotten essentially 0 maps so far, which might in turn lead to their lack of play.

(I don’t have any beef with the devs over this, or really anybody for that matter, just saying there’s something beyond Minigolf getting first for new maps in the survey)


hopefully when workshop gameworld maps come out they won’t all just be minigolf and ballrace

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