Emulation With Libretro & Tower Unite

There’s this guide on the Retroarch Steam Community that has games that, as far as I’m aware, just ship ROMs and emulate them.


In case it helps with testing: I was using a Japan region game. No idea if that affects anything.

This is absolutely insane, I can’t believe this is real, I didn’t know I want this but here we are!! Thank you so much!

Testing out Mednafen PSX, I did run into an issue. The image was zoomed in, so a huge part of the screen was missing. I was only able to try it out with one game, (Beatmania 6thMix + Core Remix which is a jp game) but I did try on multiple types of screens and scaling the screens in game but it all stayed exactly the same. Is there a way to change the core settings at all?


By the way, if anyone is interested in playing Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum in Tower, you need to import a custom save file that is PAST the intro sequence with Professor Rowan. Reason being is because it forces you to use the touch screen during that sequence, which you cannot do obviously. As far as I remember, the touch screen is never a requirement anywhere else in the game, so you should be good after this point!

Not currently, but I’m looking into it!

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Been trying this out, Flycast seems to work amazingly, however PS2 and PSP are both very broken, PSP does not play audio and games will be sped up. PS2 cannot load at all and will have alot of glitching with the video and audio. Regardless this is an amazing update, can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for later! thank you mac!

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BTW, while I’m here, melonDS is generally recommended over DeSmuME for the same reasons (support, speed, active development). The decision to use the 2018 version of Citra instead of the latest version is… interesting… (wondering if this was even intended?) and I have no opinions about the other cores.

Also, if you implement core options (even if they’re hardcoded at first), you can enable touch screen with the right analog stick on DeSmuMe and melonDS with desmume_pointer_device_r = "emulated" and melonds_touch_mode = "Joystick"

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On this post, I noted my testing of the compatible cores. Emulation With Libretro & Tower Unite - #8 by macdguy

The newer Citra core has compatibility issues, for some unknown reasons. That’s why we are using the 2018 version.

melonDS works, but it crashes when emulation is stopped, so we are using DeSmuME for the time being until we can figure out the cause of the crash.

Thanks for letting us know about the core settings!


It is effectively impossible to read the text on the CRT screen at this distance

Any way we can get it to where DeSmume can access local networks on our pc’s like the regular emulator can? Would be cool since that means we can play games online like mario kart and any other game that supports custom servers with others in tower unite

You can zoom in with the mouse wheel. I’m working on improving this for controllers.


Oh. I’m blind. I didn’t even see melonDS on there, and by the time I noticed you were using Citra 2018, I forgot about that chart.

BTW, it would be neat if, at least for now, you could at least get a vague idea of what people are playing. Like, take a screenshot every 5-10 seconds or grab a screenshot of the title screen from some website?

We do have IGDB support, so we could pull from IGDB if there is information there.

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Works Wonderfully, just need to fuss around with it more & see if I can get my controller to cooperate with it in some way.

I checked IGDB. At least for Pokémon Crystal, it looks like they don’t have title screen screenshots, and all the other screenshots have a weird border. For Pokémon Red, they have no weird border, but they also have no title screen screenshots. I guess you could always just show the game art, but I feel like that would look cursed to show on the screen for others.

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hehehe flycast modem emulation works!! except I can’t change the region of the core and also PSO V2 runs at turbo speed for some reason?

Mousewheel doesn’t work to zoom in, I can only zoom out (and back in to where it was originally)


Idk why but a handful of games I’ve thrown into this have had no art download even though they have IGDB pages, one of them being majoras mask.

I love what this update has done to give retroactive validation to having seats everywhere in the plaza beyond just simply RP and idling purposes.

I just need to figure out how to de-focus condo consoles as easily as I can de-focus handhelds, for the purposes of communication with other players in a fashion that is snappy. Would be even cooler if we got a rebind option for voice chat/text chat in the in game options that activates specifically for when emulator windows are focused and then uses the usual binds when it’s defocused.


Tried both my own dumped copies of 3d land and smash 3ds and both crashed my game lol.
Also find it odd that you have both the ds and 3ds but no two screen variant for the handheld, they just don’t play well on one screen particularly with how they get stretched.