Accessibility Related Suggestions Megathread

The option to toggle the Condo inventory (Q) instead of requiring you to hold it until you click “Lock” would do wonders for my RSI-prone hands, if not a clear “lock” keyboard shortcut so there’s just less holding and finger gymnastics.


Not really an issue more of a peace of mind type thing but as someone with dyslexia who struggles alot with spelling I would really appreciate an auto correct function in the chat

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alot of epilpetics are gamers, including myself. please avoid flashing lights. like in new game mods don’t put them in. please


Not sure if this has been already suggested or planned, but it’s super inconvenient to buy items in bulk ingame right now (I know Tower Express exists and that’s nice, but some items cannot be bought there, i.e. Catsacks), you have to either A: spam left mouse button or B: spam both enter keys.
The solution is very simple, make it so when you hold enter/left mouse button adds 1 periodically a after small delay, OR
You should be able to edit the quantity in the cart after selecting the items you wanna buy.
I don’t have any motor issues, but it does give me pain on my hands every time I want to buy something in bulk at the plaza, and I can’t imagine how much it affects people with these kind of issues.


Was playing Forest with Windows’s night light feature on, and noticed that on several parts of the course, the shadows cast by the surrounding foliage completely obscured key areas of the course (such as angled vs sharp corners). Of course, the shading on the course itself is part of the problem, but it seems like having an option to enable flat shading for the actual play area (and having a different material used for tops/sides of walls) would also be helpful.


Whenever my group and I play Virus, my partner panic scrolls the mouse wheel sometimes, which would normally be fine… But the adrenaline is horrendous for them, as they have a phobia of needles. Especially when they accidentally use it, as it causes them to lock up until they calm down, which is awful for a fast-paced and chaotic game like that.

Changing the adrenaline to something like a Soda or Energy Drink can, we always did that with workshop mods when we played Left 4 Dead 2 because of the same issue. Another idea is maybe herbs akin to Resident Evil, or just something else. Either changing it globally, or adding a needle toggle to the settings for people who are like my partner.


The play area on Bug Bytes is blue, which can make it a bit difficult to see the blue light indicating the hammer location. The play area also doesn’t really contrast well with the blue “features”, although that’s less of an issue as you’re not supposed to be hitting them in the first place.


Shared, always available condos are planned with existing dedicated server tool,

Permissions saving was also something I thought was mentioned at some point, but I’m not sure.

Also I don’t think that’s the kind of accessibility they meant for this thread.

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  1. Little Crusaders has color-based knight icons to distinguish the rank of each knight outside of the tiny-print text under your name. As someone who is colorblind, it is more difficult to distinguish ranks from each other
  2. A simple and easy temporary solution: add letters on each colored knight to help distinguish each of them apart

E for Esquire
K for Knight
B for Baron
C for Count


Certain mini-games, Plaza activities, or Plaza attractions require a fair degree of either hand-eye coordination, or simply just physical movement to play and enjoy at all.

An example that comes to mind immediately is Bowling.

The design of the game is one that requires you to mimic the action of swinging your arm to throw the ball, by moving the mouse backwards and forwards. I could see that being an issue for players who are mobility impaired, and while adjustments like mouse DPI or sensitivity could assist with the issue, it also just adds to making the game more difficult in general.


Without ruining the integrity of the game, it’s hard to think of any solutions that would make it more accessible, but possibly adding in a modifier to add bumper walls?

If the modifier is present, have a decreased payout, but then you run into the situation of punishing them for using the accessibility feature.

Another idea would be a fundamental overhaul of how the game is played, making it more controlled and being able to dictate your actions instead of it being based on your ability to throw straight, but again, that has issues as well. It would lead to there being a meta of “Throw the ball right here at exactly this speed to strike every time!”.

It’s definitely a hard thing to determine a good solution, but I’ve just noticed a large majority of the games require some form of interaction like this, which could be a barrier of entry for some people depending on their situation.

Decreasing the use of movement based controls would be a pleasant thing to see in general, or at least offering alternative control schemes that don’t require such “active” methods of playing would be nice, and I think mini-golf is a prime example of how that can be achieved. While it still requires movement of the mouse to adjust the strength of your putt, it’s something that you can take your time to tune and then just click to execute.

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Offer a grid system when decorating the condos. I am talking about the same idea as what camera’s display when taking photos. I have a dreadful time telling what is square./ straight when decorating my condo. This would help me.


Something that would help Dyslexic players especially when doing text-based interactions such as chatting or Typing Derby would be to add an Open Dyslexia font option. It’s a font that is optimized to be Dyslexic-friendly and has been shown to greatly ease the complications of Dyslexia when reading

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A player commented in the Discord about having epilepsy and getting caught in a condo with lots of flashing lights. According to them they entered a public condo then right away got teleported to a room that had flashing lights all over. Caused them to have issues.

We need a way to either disable this for players with flashing lights sensitivity or a way to report players who do this sort of trolling.

I suggest tackling both.


Related to above:


For PVP mode ingame there are times where someone will kill you a ton in spawn point from experience. Why not have like an invincibility timer before continuing on playing the game while fighting someone.


Settings (or new keybinds) for “Toggle Crouch”, “Toggle Walk”, “Toggle Sprint”, and lastly “Toggle Inventory” would be greatly appreciated! It’d be really useful for people who can’t hold down keys for long periods of time.


It would be really helpful when you press Q or C and right click a person, if you could open their profile, adjust their volume and mute them, and hide their avatar. People are either really loud or quiet and it can really give me a headache haha.


Is it possible you could increase the volume only for the bingo caller for the Casino Bingo game? That would be helpful for those that are older or have hearing problems.


I always try to adapt myself with my eyesight problems but until recently it wasn’t much of an issue, so I’ll put here everything I though of.

First would be a “dark mode” option. My eyes hurt like crazy after several minutes of solid bright backgrounds (most commonly a white bg with black text) and it would be nice if it was the other way around, a black/dark grey bg with white text. This was a problem specially during Planet Bingo when I had to look all over the 4 cards to find if I had each number. Also, I’ve worked with people with all kinds of eyesight problems and some of them used a blue bg with yellow text, so I though it would be interesting to add an option to individually select a bg color and a text color.

Adding to more eyesight-related issues, whenever I’m at the casino and win a jackpot in one of the slot machines the animation that plays (the one with all the coins and gems and whatever) could trigger someone’s photosensitivity due to all the flashing colors (I only get like a headache so I try to avoid looking whenever it happens). It doesn’t help that you’re forced to remain on your seat for the entire duration of the animation.

I’ve also read about toggle controls (inventory would be great, so would be sprinting, crouching, etc) in this thread. Think of a “sticky keys” kind of thing, that’s been on Windows since forever and I think those long-established accessibility settings should be standard by now. There’s also a mouse variant where you hold for a few seconds and it remains in that position when you’re no longer pressing the mouse button.

Anyways, I can’t think of more issues at the moment, so if I come across any other I’ll be sure to post them here. Keep up the good work and thanks for letting us help you in developing TU to be a game everyone can play.


I think this is something that hasn’t been said, we REALLY need a TEXT SIZE SLIDER. It seems like a minor thing, so it can be easily overlooked, but an easy way to help people with AD-HD and Dyslexia is to simply add HUD sizing and text sizing of different UI Elements and chat functions. While I understand this would be hard to implement certain places, IE for things such things for placeholders (media device placements have a “Hold q to add media”, that sort of thing), however if we could start small and be able to just change the size of chat elements individually and see how that goes, that would be great.

UI elements tend to become hard to focus on simply due to their size, and not so much their current positioning, and of course I definitely would not mind having a Text Size slider for different elements outside of chat functions (Notably mini-game timers, button prompts, and casino/arcade popups).