Weekly Dev Log for March 1st, 2021

Weekly Dev Log for March 1st, 2021

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for March 1st, 2021, detailing all the changes that have happened since February 22nd, 2021. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.


We’re finishing work on Update, which includes tons of numerous fixes and improvements for Condo Building, as well as the Sweet Tooth art pass. You can view all the details of this update here.


  • The bug where wearables would resize when a player sits in a seat has been fixed.

  • The bug where cosmetic items would become invisible when sitting in a seat and switching between first and third person was fixed.

  • A bug where blocking a player model in a condo would cause all workshop models in the condo to unload was fixed.

  • Leaving a seat will now reset the player’s camera to its view before sitting in the seat.

  • The third person camera is now better placed with the player’s head while in a seat, and adjusts with potions/small models.

  • The player will now be prompted if they wish to return to the Game Worlds Ports if a Game World closes unexpectedly.

February 2021 Condo Contest Winners

The February 2021 condo contest has finished! Congratulations to “twitch.tv_caat96” and “Snuffles” in 1st place, along with “No4Delirious” and “Mementomori_Mohalovi” for their 2nd and 3rd place wins. You can view all the condo submissions here.

Accessibility Suggestions

We’ve created a forum post asking the community for suggestions on how we can improve gameplay for players with certain conditions such as colorblindness, dyslexia, or anything else that might affect a players ability to use the standard presentation and controls of the game.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, and possible solutions on how to solve a particular issue, please check out the forum post here.

Condo Improvements

@macdguy worked on various fixes and improvements for condo building.


  • Players can now use Shift + Drag to quickly spawn duplicate items using the Gizmo.

  • Players can add areas in their condo for fish to swim with the new placeable Aquarium Volume.

  • The Inventory UI can now be resized.

  • The Nature category was moved out of the Furniture category into its own category.

  • The bug where the trust canvas prompt would appear in condos the player already has trusted has been fixed.

  • The bug where canvas images would not load even if the player had trusted the host has been fixed.

Shift + Drag Item Spawning

Placeable Aquarium Volume

Resizable Condo Inventory UI


@Johanna finished working on the Sweet Tooth polishing pass. She also optimized various places in the Plaza and Arcade.

@joshua continued working on items for the Arcade. He also worked on redoing the elephant plush.

@Lifeless continued working the new condo map.

@macdguy fixed an issue where wearables would resize if a player sat down in a seat. He also helped optimize wearables, and worked on upgrades. He added “Random” and “Return to Game Ports” buttons to the map vote screen, and added Join functionality to the friend’s list on the main menu.

@Madmijk continued working on Planetary Piano, along with working on Upgrades.

@Wheezwer continued working on the concept art design for Fresh, along with the concept art and dialogue for the new Upgrades NPC.

@Will continued working on various pieces of music.

Fresh Store Redesign Concept Art WIP

Upgrades NPC Redesign Concept Art WIP

New Condo Landscape WIP

Random & Game Ports Options on Vote Map

Join Button on Friends List in Main Menu

Old / New Elephant Plush

Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since February 22nd, 2021 at PixelTail Games. We’ll see you all next week!

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1 Like

nice 2


I feel like this is the perfect character to have a screen/monitor face, its a very good trope


Lookin good





These three things alone make one of the best patches ever.

Accessories breaking always bugged me, thank you for fixing this! Always so satisfying to see a long standing bugs get squashed.

I’m about to put fish EVERYWHERE


oh my god how big is this island? Is there just one villa with a large island to build on or are there multiple homes?


I kinda like the old elephant plus :slight_smile: Is that a replacement? I’m sure the old one will be on the workshop later so I guess that’s okay.

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omgosh that elphant plush change is so adorable…

So glad to see the new style of NPC creeping into current and now new NPCs.
Has me all excited to make fanart~

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Great work…although, what if I sorta like the old elephant plush? >_> I like em both for their own reasons but I’d like to be able to keep the old one too. Can I maybe get an option for 2 settable styles on it? If not I guess workshop is the ultimate answer.


Question, wasn’t every Game World supposed to get its own upgrade store in front of each one’s queue?

now wheres the placeable water volume, where we can swim and drown in it?

Every gameworld already has an upgrades store next to its queue, there’s just not any NPCs there yet

I’m mainly asking if there will be a unique NPC for each store or if it will be the same for each.

Each Game World will have an individual store, and the current design for the NPC proposes the Upgrades robot could have different colors for each store.


Consider: Screen face for them that changes display along with the palette for each store


Hello, when will these updates be added to the game

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