VAC ban

I VAC banned in Tower Unite 2 days ago, how I can play Tower Unite later new versions?
I didn’t cheated and I dont have Cheat Engine etc. Pls help.

Please read this before posting a ban appeal, in the entirely wrong forum section no less. VAC bans cannot be lifted by PixelTail, as that’s on Steam/Valve’s end.

not only that, iirc, VAC bans are irrevokable, which is kind of bullshit if you get falsely banned, but understandable in the long term


VAC bans cant be revoked by PixelTell even if it is from Tower Unite, it is highly unlikely that you got falsely VAC banned, you must of had some sort of program running in the background or you were doing something you weren’t supposed to. If it is truly a false positive then contacting Steam support would be the best thing to do, they won’t revoke a VAC ban unless they can tell it is a false positive.


You usually don’t get a VAC ban for doing something you weren’t supposed to, like using an exploit. You might get a game ban for tho for abusing it when set in the Terms.

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive when you play a competitive match, VAC is a little bit more aggressive and kicks you out of the match when it detects some installed program to potential cheat or can mess with VAC (known example: CCleaner did that). I am not sure this detection & handle must be programmed by the game developer in their game tho but I remember a story of some Call of duty game that uses VAC but the game developer team never updated it hm.

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