Upgrading to Unreal 4.19/4.20 will help resolve many issues with netcode. It’ll help us improve Plaza lag all with the goal of increasing player slots per Plaza server.
Update engine forkUpdate pluginsUpdate workshopUpdate editorBuild 4.19 clientBuild 4.20 clientBuild 4.20 engineBuild 4.20 server
Known Issues
Minigolf aimer is invisible (refactor needed)Various weapon tracer beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Zombie Massacre - Healing Kit beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Zombie Massacre - Transplant beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Zombie Massacre - Tesla Zap beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Bowling arrow is invisible (refactor needed)Laser Tag recharge station beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Laser Tag recharging beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Fishing rod beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Skeeball arrow is invisible (refactor needed)Laser Projector beam effects are invisible (refactor needed)Decals in Zombie Massacre no longer show (refactor needed)Launch Pad trajectory effects are invisible (refactor needed)Tracer beam refactor: CrossbowTracer beam refactor: Firework LauncherTracer beam refactor: Flak HandgunTracer beam refactor: Laser MinigunTracer beam refactor: Laser PointerTracer beam refactor: Laser Tag GunTracer beam refactor: Planet Panic LaserTracer beam refactor: Scifi HandgunTracer beam refactor: Snowball LauncherTracer beam refactor: Laser RifleTracer beam refactor: ToolsPlayer names are blank in multiplayer gamesNames don't show up in game queuesPing is no longer broadcasted in games (due to 4.19 optimization)Workshop static meshes (condo items) need major refactorDedicated server crash fixLaser tag players are smaller than they should beName tags shouldn't work in laser tag unless hovered over the playerName tags don't disappear quick enough when a player goes into a buildingPlayers who sit down, don't update their mesh position fast enoughVirus infected shader is missingDecals need to be only enabled in ZMEmote icons don't snap properly due to network optimizationPlayer pool tubes disappear when out of advanced network tick rangePlayer names don't show up in voice UIPlasma Auto Rifle effects aren't displayingFishing Rod effects aren't displayingEgon Cannon effects aren't displayingCondo data no longer loads on start (4.20 issue)AI Navigation paths need to be rebuiltCrash when entering BowlingWorkshop player information doesn't load properly on action context UIKill feed font issuesTrivia location shows up on fast travel mapMinigolf splines have incorrect timingVirus: Crouching as infected will keep you always crouchedWeapon looping sounds are no longer heard by other clientsWorkshop thumbnails crashWorkshop player model normals are inverted (bandaid fix)Workshop models are invisible and have massive collision