The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Woohoo! So much luck today! SO much that the rest of your life is constantly bad moments now.
I wish for a…I wish for an apple I guess.

Wish granted! Unfortunately, that apple was poisoned! It’s a good thing we’ve got expert healthcare professionals available…
An apple a day keeps the doctor away…
I hope you know how to make home remedies.

I wish I had a pair of really comfy socks.

Not only can you not take them off, your feet get uncomfortably hot in them.

I want Caboose to read me a bedtime story. Yep, still throwing that meme around even though it got old hours after it was made.

Wish granted! Unfortunately you don’t hear the ending of the story because you fall asleep.

I wish I had played on Gmod Tower a lot more and had donated to it.

Sorry bud, you went on a fake website and got scammed. Sucks to be you.
I wish that I had Outlast.

Wish granted! Unfortunately for you, the copy of Outlast you purchased came with a free virus!

I wish CTRL + Enter just did a line break instead of posting whatever you were typing before you meant to post it.

Wish granted but it ended up linking your nudes

I wish I had spaghetti

Wish granted, but you don’t get to have any interesting corruption to your wish, sorry.

I wish you, the reader, would have a great day tomorrow.

Granted, but i’ll remember something cringe worthy i did 5 years ago

I wish i was a regular

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Wish granted, but now you’re banned for two months.
I wish I can go guru.

Youcan! But now you can only talk in obscure references.
I wish that I had a better keyboard.

wish granted, but it’s so much better that it’s worse.

I wish that I could make a wish that couldn’t be corrupted, and that this wish that my wish wouldn’t be corrupted can’t be corrupted.

Wish granted! …six years from now. Next time you might want to specify exactly when you planned on using that wish.

I wish that I could find a way to copy the music files from the Playstation Home space “Party At Jess’s Apartment” (assuming that it’s saved on my PS3) to use in Tower Unite. The issue is that the data for the space doesn’t have an option to be copied to a flash drive, and plugging the PS3 hard drive into a PC will do nothing.

It’s really nice sounding party music, nostalgic reasons aside. (Here’s a video showing the space off, as well as some of the music, if you’re interested.)

Granted! But…wait a sec wait wait wait. Playstation Home shut down…so that means that…
You’re save data is basically useless now.
I wish for a camera.

Wish granted! It can’t take pictures.

I wish every single item in Tower Unite wouldn’t be some catsack remodel.

And by the way, the save data is still there. I know I can’t use it in the game but I can somehow still extract it from my system.

Wish granted! Now every single item in TU will be a dogbag remodel.

I wish that the ocean was a chocolate milkshake.

Due to the fact that the sun exist, that hot chocolate would probably burn you alive. Oh and it’s filled with the spit of other people drinking it.
I wish for a better life.

Wish granted, however. Your life is ruined thanks your bully in school

I wish i could become a great MMD animator like the others

Granted, but someone steals your work and you get copyright striked.
I wish for a better CPU

Wish Granted, but you can’t overclock it beyond 1.9 ghz.
I wish for a better computer.