Wish granted! Left doesn’t exist anymore, so you can’t turn left anymore, either.
I wish I hadn’t just made that reference. (I was referencing PBG)
Wish granted! Left doesn’t exist anymore, so you can’t turn left anymore, either.
I wish I hadn’t just made that reference. (I was referencing PBG)
Wish granted. By not making that reference you dont have a wish. Resulting in you somehow nuking the world. Congrats, asshole. (no hate intended)
I wish to be able to solve any paradox.
Wish granted! But you just don’t have the need to do so in real life, so you almost never take advantage of your talents.
I wish I wouldn’t publicly embarrass myself so often on these forums and on the Discord. I do this so often, it’s unreal…
Wish granted! Have fun on the meta boards!
I wish i could have more dank maymays
Wish granted! However, you realise that memes are kind of dumb so you don’t like them anymore.
I wish I would just make a decision already.
Granted! But the decision you choose splits into two more, and the next one you choose splits into two more, and…
I wish I could remember my chores so I don’t need a to-do list.
Wish granted. You learned how to use Trello so you don’t need to remember it.
I wish that Kojima would get the rights for the MGSV and Silent Hill franchises for free.
Wish granted! However, Kojima doesn’t want to make any more sequels to those franchises and decides to only use the characters as cameo appearances in a new franchise, which is a clone of another popular franchise by another company.
I wish I would act more mature/responsible/serious/professional when trying to interact with other people in real life and online, otherwise I’ll just end up making a fool of myself every time. (Honestly, I can’t get over how much of a burden I’ve been to you all. From stupid jokes that often times sound like I’m insulting to posting very frequently to referencing childish/immature things, there appears to be no end to my absolute nonsense. This needs to stop.)
Wish granted! But you can only talk in questions.
I wish i wasn’t allergic to cats
Wish granted! You’re allergic to all foods.
I wish I could learn to love again.
wish granted, but noone loves u
I wish foohy loved me
wish granted, but you can’t love foohy! (see how that works? Karma. )
I wish I could enjoy flowers like other people.
Wish granted! However, you enjoy flowers so much that you won’t listen to any music unless if it has the word “flower” in the title. (How many real life and/or videogame soundtracks that have the word “flower” in the title can you think of? There are so many!)
I wish someone would link me to a Garry’s Mod server that uses both the “GMod Tower Arcade Machines” addon and the “Tower Unite - Milk Carton Playermodel” addon. (Seriously, I’d love to check one out.)
wish granted! But the server is password only, and noone knows the password
i wish i could believe.
(XD Even the server admin??)
Wish granted. All you can do is believe. You quickly starve to death.
I wish I could never live or die.
Wish granted! But before you will cease to exist, you must go to an English class in the past to learn about the word “nor” and when to use it. This means you’ll need to come up with some method of time travel in order to never live nor die, which is an impossible feat.
I wish I was more comfortable speaking to people.
Granted. But whenever you speak to someone you become super cocky.
I wish that I had a vr ready pc and a vive shipped to my house for free.
Wish granted! However, you lose interest in VR once something even better comes out.
I wish that the Endless Sentence made sense so that people would contribute to it more.
Oh uh sure, but you dont know what that is anymore and any history of it has been deleted.
(also just a side note, it costs 1000 dollars just to get the vive for god sakes, and you need a beast pc to run it so, i’m just gonna get a ps vr instead.)
I wish that I had a bag of chips that was always full of fresh chips.
Wish granted, but you only get to eat Chump’s™ Potatoe Chips, so sorry.
I wish the big names on YouTube and Twitch would actually play in an official, public lobby server when the Casino Update hits and not
If all this came true then it would probably be the greatest day in 2016.