The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Karma slaps you right upside the head, and your computer can’t overclock over 1.9 GHz either.

I don’t want as much homework as I am getting now.

Wish granted but you have to do double the work at school.

I wish that Half Life 3 was announced.

wish granted, but the game is horrible

i wish i had the basic necessities of life

Wish granted! Now that floating eye in the corner has the basic necessities of life.

I wish that all spiders have wings.

Wish granted, though I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to corrupt your own wish…

I wish those recently winged spiders all spontaneously died.

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Wish Granted, but they might be endangered and you might be sued for the death of them!

I wish Team Firestorm would return in the new Robot Wars

During production they accidently stab themselves.
I wish to never be hurt again, physically and socially.

Welcome to the world of Psychological trauma, my friend!
stabs a loved one

I wish for more fish

Maybe. Probably not.

I wish for 1 fish 2 fish 3 fish, red fish blue fish and poisoned fish

The fish were imported from an oil lake. Oh and they’re filled with bombs.

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Wish granted! You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!

I wish I wasn’t active on these forums sometimes.


Wish granted! But you will probally go mad from not responding.

I wish there was a TU in real life somewhere in Florida…

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Entry fee is 15,000 dollars.

Girlfriend plz

Wish granted, but your girlfriend doesn’t want to go on a date with you forever

I wish i can make an angry german kid remix of one of my favorite songs

(oh gg i just realised i didnt put a wish. mmk)
As soon as you’re finished, it crashes and everything is lost. Sucks to be you.
I wish for another dog.

Wish granted! You’re not socially acceptable anymore.

I wish to be gooder at stuff and things like stuff

Wish granted! But you’re so good at doing stuff that you lack the will to socialise with other people.

I wish I wouldn’t look back at nostalgic times so that I will keep moving forward with my life.

You don’t remember a single thing before this very point. You didnt want to remember, right?
I wish for all the memes

Wish granted! Officers arrive at your home and find your corpse on your computer chair. The cause of death was overload of memes.

I wish Mount Everest was a sundae.

Mount Everest collapsed before you could wish that…

I wish I had millions of units.