Price Decrease + Supporting TU

Hey everyone,

We just wanted to keep you in the loop that we’re going back to the previous price of $19.99!

We’re still in a tight financial situation and are working as hard as we can to get over this rough spot. We say it often, but we’re a small group, and we love this project, so we want nothing more than to be able make it the best it can be.

We seriously mean it when we say that we appreciate any well wishes and support from you all that we get! We’re looking forward to more of the great things you all make with the content we’ve been adding recently.

We may increase the price again further down the road (of course, with more awesome features), but for now we just are trying to protect TU’s future and make it more attainable for prospective players.

So, please enjoy the game at the price of $19.99!

:construction: Development Roadmap

Just to remind people, we’re hard at work on these items in the pipeline which are close to coming out!

The updates next in line are:

  • Minigolf Map Maker
  • Plaza Optimizations
  • Ball Race Map Maker
  • Dedicated Condos
  • Workshop Rig 3.0
  • VR Support

Updates we’re making progress on are:

  • New Arcade Games!!
  • SDNL Full Release (Announcer, Map Updates, etc.)
  • New Minigolf Map: Dino Drive

Monthly Dev Updates and Weekly Dev Logs can be found here:
:radio: July Dev Update | June Dev Update | May Dev Update
:desktop_computer: Dev Logs

Supporting TU

If you want to help support the game’s development in ways besides buying Tower, there are a few options:

Limited Time Makeship Campaigns:

We have two funding campaigns for merch going on right now!

Tower Unite Pins (Still Needs Funding!!)

Kalleira Plush

Any money we get from these campaigns goes straight into development costs for Tower Unite!

Makeship campaigns have really helped us pick up the slack with game sales in the past, so if you want to support TU development, these are definitely a way to do that and get a high quality product in return.

If you’re curious how it works: the campaign design, production, and shipping are all handled by Makeship (with our design input). This means they handle all the hard stuff while we get to keep working on Tower! And, at the end of a successful campaign, you get the awesome merch!

Supporter Pack

supporter pack

Earlier this year we released the Supporter pack! It’s a direct way to financially support the game and nets you some fun and silly gifts from the dev team!


Support PixelTail Games on Patreon

Patrons get the Patron tag, access to a private Discord channel, and behind-the-scenes looks at development! We’re working on sharing more of this content like videos of testing, demonstrations of new features, goofs, and more. Keep an eye out in the future for some in-game gifts as well!


Support PixelTail Games with Ko-Fi
Ko-Fi’s a simple way to throw some money our way if you’d like to donate with nothing in return!


Checkout Tower Unite Merch on Redbubble
Finally, there’s Redbubble, where you can get a variety of merch with TU designs on it!

That’s it for this announcement. Thanks for reading!

<3 PixelTail Games


Whatever the price, as long as I can see this game grow into a masterpiece, I’ll support it :heart:

Also a question on

We may increase the price again further down the road (of course, with more awesome features)

For those that have the supporter pack already, if this price goes up and more rewards are added, will the people that already own it get those perks automatically?


honestly very excited for minigofl & ball race makers!! :heart:

regarding the price drop; i’ve brought the game for my friends a handful of times in the past and i will absolutely continue doing that!! also i hope pins gets funded soon; i’m genuinely looking forward to completing my pin collection with these (:

also new arcade games and ANOTHER minigolf map coming? THAT NEWS ALONE MAKES ME OVERJOYED, KEEP THE AMAZING WORK UP !!


If we add to the supporter pack, those who already have the supporter pack will get the new rewards. We recently did this when we added a hat to the pack.


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