Welcome to the official showcase dedicated to my latest big project:
Movie World Studios!
You know one of those studios-themed theme parks around the world? Like the very famous “Universal Studios” or the less well-known “Movieland”?
Given my great passion for amusement parks and the fact that the mover tool is ever closer to release, I just had to throw myself into building Tower Unite’s first working theme park!*
( *As far as I know, no one is currently working on such a project)
Here’s what this section is for:
Stay up to date on all additions within the park, from sneak peeks to full reveals of upcoming attractions
Suggest me ideas for new attractions, park areas and shops! They can help me make the park truly unique! (Follow the criteria written below to make suggestions, please)
Report bugs and malfunctions (If you tell me in-game it’s better, this section here is for when im AFK)
Criteria for suggestions:
I only take into consideration types of attractions or shops that exist IRL, or in any case I will tend to make any suggestion as realistic as possible: Avoid stuff like “The people thrower” or “the decapitator”, thanks
Personally I prefer making rides regarding general themes rather than specific films, because an attraction based on a specific trademark may not be enjoyable for those who have not seen said film. I can always do something similar though, so go ahead and suggest!
These criteria may change over time
My challenge:
To make everything more interesting, I set myself several rules to use during the development of the park:
- The land you see in the photo cannot be changed in any way: When I run out of space, we will have to decide whether to expand by purchasing land, whether to remove old attractions or whether to build on existing buildings, optimizing the space.
- Where possible, it is mandatory to follow the contours of the terrain: The park cannot be completely flat and therefore will have to be adapted on a case-by-case basis.
- The park will have to be as realistic as possible (optimizations permitting), creating an experience that you could normally find IRL