Meet PixelTail Games

As of now, PixelTail Games is comprised of (in no particular order)…

Full Time Developers

Monday-Friday, Weekends too sometimes.

@MacDGuy: He is the lead gameplay programmer and director. He works on core gameplay programming and design. He is also the UI designer and manages the company.

@Sabrina: She helps out with backend and web development. She manages the servers for Tower. She also works on all our website backend, server administration and stability. She helped create Open Trivia Database.

@Lifeless: He is one of our level designers. While he does mainly level and architectural design, he also provides most the artwork in his work. He’s been responsible for lots of work on the Plaza and numerous Game World maps.

@Johanna: She is the lead artist and content developer, and a level designer. Her work includes a lot of artwork for the Plaza and Condos, and numerous Game World maps.

@Will (aka William Reid): Our musician and sound composer. He has created all the music in Tower Unite. He also works on sound design for the game. He spends time mixing audio, and composing original music.

@Sketchman: He is the lead core game programmer. His contributions are rewriting workshop, gizmos, undo, tons of backend server infrastructure (AGC), optimization, gameplay, and core game foundation.

@joshua: He helps create various items, characters, and artwork. He’s responsible for Arcade prize items and the custom characters you see in the Plaza.

@wheezwer: She works on various artwork illustrations for our game. She’s been actively making all the artwork designs, drawings, and final art illustrations for Arcade, Plaza, and characters. She also helps with writing dialogue, updates, and announcements.

@Nuclearxpotato: New to the team and is one of our level designers and artists. He currently has contributed various new items and upcoming Game World maps.

We all touch different parts of the game and go above and beyond with our work! Our developers wear many different hats and help out in various aspects of the game.

Hopefully that clears up any questions on who works on what. We’ll keep this post up-to-date if we change our development team at any point in time.


Sorry Mac, I heard blueprints aren’t very good for getting nutrients

Meet PixelTail Games, more like Meet the most awesome dev team evar



filler text cause discourse yells at me if I don’t have this

Saw a good opportunity to make a joke and I regret nothing.


I never knew caboose was a deveolper

1 Like

He has been for around a month or two now.


Thanks for this post. Another question I got is on how you manage collaboration. Which version control system are you using, Git, SVG? Which software are you using for your internal issue tracker (and how many old bugs are hanging around in there since alpha launch)?
Are these two servers also hosted on DigitalOcean (I know that the forums are hosted there)?

These questions are not important or anything but I’d appreciate it if you could answer these.


We use P4. We don’t use an internal bug tracker, they’re not for us.
Due to security concerns, I’d rather not answer the rest.


So, will this be updated with @mitterdoo’s info?


what about the mitter man


Great to ‘Meet’ you guys. Keep up the awesome development!