We’re a team of around 12. You can see more about our team here: Meet PixelTail Games
I would say at this moment in time this team make up is currently our best in a long time and we’ve been pushing out major updates in a timely manner efficiently.
I’d say the biggest programming task we have upcoming is Nightclub (which progress is happening on weekends at the moment) and new Arcade machines.
We’ve been putting a lot of effort into getting out of Early Access and then we can advertise the game a lot more.
We also have a Patreon if you want to support us outside of game sales. Patreon has been extremely helpful with server bills and other company needs. More information can be found here: Ways to Support PixelTail Games
If you want to give us feedback on what we’re working on and what to prioritize, we urge you to also participate in our October Priority Survey. Poll: October 2020 Priority Survey