Hypothetical Debate: Tower Unite and Steam Marketplace

If we ever enable trading, we would definitely use Steam trading. Making our own trading system would be silly considering how much work Steam trading has done to avoid scamming. Just doesn’t make much sense not to use it. You can disable Steam marketplace trading per item and only enable account to account trading.


Here’s my answer onto this, and take it as you will @macdguy and @Caboose700.

The community market isn’t entirely an idea I can get behind. While I do agree that it would be great if you could earn more cuts from market transactions to fund the game, please let me issue a warning to say that whatever items that are to be available on the market should be ones that are not accessible in stores or special event items (but not achievement items). The reason for this is to prevent an all out item economy from exploding out of control.

To elaborate with an example, TF2’s item economy is completely unregulated as far as the market is concerned, where items can be overpriced quite a bit. Such unregulation, both in its trading community and the SCM have caused its item economy to crash spectacularly, and that’s even with some items being marketable and some not.

What I’m getting at is this: I’m concerned that an all out SCM support of every possible item would end up sort of lessening the drive to play Tower Unite. Why play when you can just get what you want and be done with it? I say just leave it at special items and be done with it.

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I’m just gonna go a step further and flat out say I’m strongly against marketplace in general. It’s so much simpler to confine trading to account-to-account trades than dealing with converting units to real money / deciding which items are marketable / etc.

Plus imo it really doesn’t make sense to sell in-game items for a market price. Literally everything in the game is available to everyone (other than backer items). Want that rare xmas sleigh? Play during the winter event.

And yeah marketplace basically means you can pay microtransactions to get these items. I could see this causing a storm in the community if they ever do it :stuck_out_tongue:


I am neither for nor against STEAMmarket.
The fear is that STEAMmarket will destroy the game.
But I also know that STEAMmarket is useful, so I wrote my thoughts.

I know someone who enjoys Tower Unite as a housing game.
STEAMmarket is very useful for them.

However, if you can buy game items with real money, it becomes much more realistic.
I want to enjoy the game apart from reality.
My compromise was to exchange money at STEAMmarket.

I also wrote a community store as an example of co-existence with STEAMmarket.
However, the community store is not important to the STEAM market story.
Community stores are an example of how STEAMmarket does not destroy games if it is devised.

Sorry for the confusion.

The opinion to the community store

I also think it’s not too late to implement the trades system first and see if the user needs the STEAMmarket.

I understood your suggestion and I like the idea of community stores. I just think that using Steam Marketplace goes against what the devs have stated in the past and serves little purpose compared to other games.

Using it only to convert currency between real world money and units is better than using it to exchange items, but at that point, it’s really no different from a microtransaction. Since Pixeltail has advertised the game as not having any microtransactions, I can’t see a way to implement this without upsetting a portion of the fanbase.

I’m indifferent on trading so I won’t comment on that :slight_smile:


Terrible idea in my opinion.

Items would be worthless. Playerbase would go drastically lower than it already is. I don’t think TU can afford to lose any more players at the moment.

You either grind/get lucky and get the said item, or you don’t. Having the ability to purchase any limited item makes them WORTHLESS because anyone can just buy them. People wont want to play TU because the rewards for earning certain amounts of XP are far too easy for anyone to get. (This is the same problem happening with lack of Prestige for ranks)

This also opens up a new can of worms for bots who grind XP for real life money.

I could go on, but it doesn’t matter. Two key decisions makers from PixelTail are already on board already with the idea and they have final say.

Would market be nice to have? ABSOLUTELY! But it would ruin the entire XP and exclusive item system (one whole update’s work down the drain)

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It was not until I learned that the market fee was a microtransaction.
But not doing microtransactions is to make development and users happy.
If the rules make each other unhappy, we should change them a little.

First, the trade system is still under development.
You can find many requests for trade by searching.
And development will use the steam trade system.
Think of it this way: a trade is implemented and you say, “Do you want to replace the 300,000 UT and CSGO key?”.
If steam market does not exist, the value of UT is zero and infinite.
It is highly likely that this ridiculous trade will be established.
This only makes a swindler happy.

But the steam market confirms the value of UT.
And it’s definitely cheap.
It prevents fraud.
It is a big shock for existing players to decide the price by steam market.

There are a lot of people who play to make money.
As Goliath Giant points out, it’s also likely to see fewer active users.

But UT is only one element of the game, and it’s not like 2016.
Milestones, batches, trophies, fishing and arcades will soon be implemented.
These are elements that cannot be purchased at UT.

If someone buys a 100 million UT at the steam market, he’s just a beginner with a 100 million UT.
You can’t be a fishing professional or a master of an arcade with UT alone.

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I’d like to see a marketplace for TU, since items you can directly buy are out, and I’d imagine exclusive items (Leveling rewards like trophies and the firework launcher, as well as veteran trophies) would be excluded from the marketplace as well. If it only has items on the level of gold/cosmic catsacks, as well as items such as the eternally frozen crabs.

I understand why people are against the idea, as people play games exclusively for trading/profit (TF2 and CS:GO especially), instead of the actual game. I personally don’t see this as an issue, as they’re still actively engaged in the game and with the community, just in a different way. How would the people who log into the plaza just to trade be different from the people who log in to roleplay or grind? The only way that trading can impede on active players is that if it’s implemented in a way where it can be done all off site, IE backpack.tf for example. But (as far as I know), this leading to a cataclysmic drop in players has not been seen before.

So as long as items directly related to progression, being a backer, and legacy items are excluded from the market, I see no issue with this as those items still have their value.

I’m firmly opposed to the concept of Marketplace integration. I believe microtransactions are the bane of video games, putting things behind paywalls in an effort to force players to spend extra money. Even if it’s for things that have no impact on gameplay, if certain things are exclusive to the marketplace and/or otherwise very difficult to get, then the game basically rewards players for paying money to show off their special items or whatever.

I realize that the proposed integration isn’t remotely as bad as the “premium content” pushed by EA and or the helpers and shortcuts peddled by the biggest mobile game developers these days, but I’m just morally opposed to the idea of microtransactions in video games. Apologies if this post got a little heated lol; I get passionate about my distaste for microtransactions, and TU’s current one-time payment model is a very precious thing to me because so few games these days don’t charge you for expansions or DLC.