Game Type Suggestion Thread

This is kind of long lol. sorry

Ball Race & Minigolf

  • Accurate Upgrade Physics (Mutator)

Basically any non-spherical ball upgrades would roll like their actual shape, and maybe the ball’s material could affect gameplay too (ink is slippery, slime has high friction, glass breaks if it hits a surface too hard, etc).

Maybe upgrades that are harder to play with could pay out extra units if you play through a whole round/hole with them equipped or something.

Ball Race

  • True Race (Game Type)

Normal/large melons are removed, buttons are automatically pressed at the start of each round, random elements like falling rocks are disabled, and boost pads are added to normally long/slow areas, so the goal is just to reach the end as fast as possible.

In place of the usual melon payout, you get a payout based on how long it took for you to reach the end compared to the first place winner (e.g. if you finished 10% slower than 1st place, you’d get [base value] divided by [10 times some multiplier] Units).


  • TNT Soccer (Game Type)

Survivors are equipped with an infinite supply of TNT and no other weapons (can only deploy one at a time). TNT only explodes if it directly hits an Infected player, but the survivors can punt it around like a sports ball.

  • Random Loadouts for All Survivors (Mutator)

Everyone gets a different loadout rather than sharing the same one in every round.

  • Reduced Ammo (Mutator)

Gives survivors less clips of ammo to start with, plus reduced secondary ammo (10 → 3). If ammo is reduced enough that running out becomes a common issue, ammo packs could appear at some point in each round to resupply with.

  • No Radar (Mutator)

Disables the radar.

  • No Clicks (Mutator)

Disables the clicking sound when an Infected player is nearby.

  • Big Map Mode (Mutator?)

This would allow for making/playing large, open workshop maps in case you accidentally made yours too big (or if you just actually want to make a bigger map). When enabled, all players would have considerably faster move speed (maybe similar to sprinting in the Plaza).

For maps with a lot of normally hard-to-reach vertical areas, this could also have a variant where players can jump and each team gets a unique high vertical mobility skill (ex. deployable jump pads for Survivors, upward lunge for Infected).

Workshop map makers could force this to be enabled/disabled on their maps depending on the intended experience.


  • King of the Hill (and other control point / capture zone-based Game Types)

I made a (somewhat lengthy) suggestion for this a while back and forgot to mention it here. I think it would be cool though.

  • Roll the Dice (Mutator)

Like the plugin used in community TF2 servers (and other games, I think). Basically you can type !rtd in chat (or press a button or something) to get a random temporary buff (move faster, free crits, full heal) or debuff (big head, blind, explode, etc), with a cooldown between uses.

  • Taunts (Mutator)

This is kind of just an excuse to bring up another suggestion I’ve already made, but a mutator that enables use of the Plaza/Condo emotes would be great. Maybe SDNL could use a modified version of the emote selection menu that highlights the taunt-kill ones for easier access.