Game Type Suggestion Thread

I’d love a shorter accelerate mode (eg less laps or even higher speeds) as well as a mini golf modifier where it doesn’t penalise you for going out of bounds!


I absolutely genuinely WANT this so much. I always felt like Day 6 is too short and we usually won’t get the chance to buy all of upgrades so that’d be extremely fun!! I love endless challenges like this with greater rewards over time so I’m all for it!!

That asides- I think I got a suggestion for Ball Race…!!

Ball Race: Hard Mode
Basically Ball Race but on hard mode; fewer platforms, longer gaps, less booster pads, more bumpers, thinner paths, faster blocks that knock you off, additional death pits, and other changes to levels, etc for more units!! I love Ball Race too much and would love such a challenge like that!


This is kind of long lol. sorry

Ball Race & Minigolf

  • Accurate Upgrade Physics (Mutator)

Basically any non-spherical ball upgrades would roll like their actual shape, and maybe the ball’s material could affect gameplay too (ink is slippery, slime has high friction, glass breaks if it hits a surface too hard, etc).

Maybe upgrades that are harder to play with could pay out extra units if you play through a whole round/hole with them equipped or something.

Ball Race

  • True Race (Game Type)

Normal/large melons are removed, buttons are automatically pressed at the start of each round, random elements like falling rocks are disabled, and boost pads are added to normally long/slow areas, so the goal is just to reach the end as fast as possible.

In place of the usual melon payout, you get a payout based on how long it took for you to reach the end compared to the first place winner (e.g. if you finished 10% slower than 1st place, you’d get [base value] divided by [10 times some multiplier] Units).


  • TNT Soccer (Game Type)

Survivors are equipped with an infinite supply of TNT and no other weapons (can only deploy one at a time). TNT only explodes if it directly hits an Infected player, but the survivors can punt it around like a sports ball.

  • Random Loadouts for All Survivors (Mutator)

Everyone gets a different loadout rather than sharing the same one in every round.

  • Reduced Ammo (Mutator)

Gives survivors less clips of ammo to start with, plus reduced secondary ammo (10 → 3). If ammo is reduced enough that running out becomes a common issue, ammo packs could appear at some point in each round to resupply with.

  • No Radar (Mutator)

Disables the radar.

  • No Clicks (Mutator)

Disables the clicking sound when an Infected player is nearby.

  • Big Map Mode (Mutator?)

This would allow for making/playing large, open workshop maps in case you accidentally made yours too big (or if you just actually want to make a bigger map). When enabled, all players would have considerably faster move speed (maybe similar to sprinting in the Plaza).

For maps with a lot of normally hard-to-reach vertical areas, this could also have a variant where players can jump and each team gets a unique high vertical mobility skill (ex. deployable jump pads for Survivors, upward lunge for Infected).

Workshop map makers could force this to be enabled/disabled on their maps depending on the intended experience.


  • King of the Hill (and other control point / capture zone-based Game Types)

I made a (somewhat lengthy) suggestion for this a while back and forgot to mention it here. I think it would be cool though.

  • Roll the Dice (Mutator)

Like the plugin used in community TF2 servers (and other games, I think). Basically you can type !rtd in chat (or press a button or something) to get a random temporary buff (move faster, free crits, full heal) or debuff (big head, blind, explode, etc), with a cooldown between uses.

  • Taunts (Mutator)

This is kind of just an excuse to bring up another suggestion I’ve already made, but a mutator that enables use of the Plaza/Condo emotes would be great. Maybe SDNL could use a modified version of the emote selection menu that highlights the taunt-kill ones for easier access.


IDK if this is in some way already written, but
Item Boxes around the Map. If you shoot trough them, you get a modificator for the other players.
How to implement them afterwards? maybe let the boxes spawn randomly on the minigolf tiles (but then fixed positions for all the same) so all maps are supported by this Gametype.

I had this in Golf with your friends. party mode is fun, but most of the workshop maps do not support the custom placed item boxes :frowning:

use by pressing space bar

  • Random Shapes (other players are random shapes for one stroke like a Cube, egg, pyramid)
  • (double?) jump
  • freeze in position
  • spawn a bouncy barricade
  • other players get dunk effect
  • sticky honey

Seperate Modifier
being able to jump while rolling and pressing space bar



Kill confirmed game mode

Its like TDM, but in order to win you have to collect dead enemy dog tags while preventing the other team from picking up your teammates tags

A classic CoD mode that makes people do more then just kill people


I would say for minigolf mode is remixed, new traps and jumps are added to the course and the old ways are either harder to get through or blocked off. It’s like every course gets a difficulty level like how kingdom gets an easy mode and treasure hunt gets a hard mode.

Minigolf battle: golf balls can hit players as they have modes of winning in an arena hole. Like getting 3-5 holes to win. Solo and team versions

Minigolf hoops: a take on basketball where each hole is in the air and have to make air shots to sink the ball into the objective.

Minigolf One in the hole: you only have one shot to make a hole in one, current holes could be remixed to get a hole in one. Use money units to retry a shot if you miss.

That’s all for me for now

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Definitely late, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring for some ball race stuff.

  • Balls Collide (if not already planned)
    Pretty self explanatory.
  • Melon Mania
    Winner is now determined by who collected the most melons or other pickups by the final stage.
  • Mirror Mode
    Courses is mirrored.

We did? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am begging for an option for Minigolf upgrades/skins to use the physics of said shape. Lemmie putt around as a low poly ball, or a cube, or a hockey puck, or have the bouncy physics of the ball race ball, or etc etc.

Its what I hoped upgrades would do when they first got shown and I’ve been wanting it since.


Honestly, I want the exact same thing. I can understand why it’s done the way it is but at least some kind of mutator or toggle for that would be nice, rather than outright eliminating the possibility of using upgrades purely visually (not everyone wants the physics so an option would probably be better)

i might be late to this, but figured i would suggest a new game type for Virus that hasn’t been said in this thread yet that i think people might enjoy

Virus: Wave Survival

similar to Horde Mode where it’s co-op/singleplayer, players face off against NPC infected but with a twist. those familiar with Call Of Duty Zombies will understand the idea.

  • there is no timer at the start for waves, instead it has a certain numbers of infected will spawn before the wave ends.
  • after each wave the number of infected and their health will increase. credits are rewarded each wave for amount of infected killed
  • power ups such as an ammo refill for all players are occasionally dropped by killed infected.
  • players start with only pistols and as the waves progress will automatically acquire 1 new weapon each round.
  • should any players die during a wave, they are revived at the beginning of the next wave.
  • if only 1 player is left alive during a wave (and the game being played is not singleplayer) or only a few infected remain, a timer starts.
  • if the remaining player does not kill the remaining infected before the timer runs out the game ends (this is to avoid waves going on forever).
  • there is a default wave limit of 20 or till everyone dies during a wave, the higher amount of waves you beat/get to, the better the reward of credits at the end will be.
  • there can be mutators to allow higher wave limits or remove wave limits

of course this is just the literal COD Zombies formula just switched to Virus with a few changes, so differences can of course be made or changed to not just be a 1-1 recreation. i’d love to hear what other people think about this idea.

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(Directly after posting this I realized Cobalt already suggested this EXACT same thing, my bad!)

Just thought of an idea whilest working on a ball race map for the upcoming sdk support…

Ball Race: Melon Mania

Instead of ranking players based on who got the best time on a level, players are now ranked on how many melons they picked up on a level. However, you still have to finish the level. Each time you fall off the level, you receive a penalty of -3 melons for that level. If you lose all your lives, you automatically get 0 melons. Once you feel like you’ve collected enough melons to beat the other players (or are confident there aren’t many melons remaining on the level), you can go to the goal to “bank” your melons and get a score. If you’ve fallen off the level before you reached the goal, those penalties will then be applied to your total melon count. Bonus rounds are played as normal, with none of these mechanics being applied to them.

Would definitely be a unique gamemode that would completely change how players complete levels. However, as someone who plays a lot of Ball Race, I hope that the different gamemodes are uniquely shown in the server select screen if this mode were to get added. It would be very annoying entering Ball Race games only to see that it isn’t the regular time-based mode (I consistently have this issue when joining people’s Virus games).