[Bug Megathread] "Achievement Is Broken" Report Thread 2020

Please use this thread to report any achievements you ran into that seem to be broken.

We created a new thread for this so we can tackle the existing broken achievements that effect the game currently. Please reply here if the achievement still has yet to be fixed so that we can resolve it quickly.

Confirmed Broken Achievements:

These achievements cannot be unlocked reliably.
None currently.

Confirmed Slightly Broken Achievements

These achievements can be unlocked, but they have issues regarding the way to unlock them.

  • Last Alive
  • Ultimate Cape Crusader
  • Home Away From Home

Coming Soon Achievements:

These achievements cannot be unlocked.

  • Re-Volt: There is no RC race yet.
  • Sunk the Battleships: There is no RC boat battle yet.
  • Kiss The Cook: You cannot cook yet.

Recently Fixed Achievements:

  • It’s a Party: Fixed in
  • Get Together: Fixed in
  • Movie Night: Fixed in
  • Rambo: Fixed in
  • Big Bucks: Fixed in
  • Visiting Other Condos: Fixed in
  • Champion: Fixed in
  • Accelerate: _____ Trophy: Race through _____ and place 1st with more than 4 players: Fixed in
  • Ball Race: King of ______: Completed ______ without dying once (excluding bonus stages): Fixed in

Last Alive: Survive as the last survivor 10 times.
The progress bar goes up by one when you become the last survivor. Not for winning the round as the last survivor. In addition, in the stats section, there’s a line that says “Been last survivor”. The achievement feeds off of that.

Ultimate Cape Crusader: Be promoted to Count 20 times.
The progress bar goes up by one when you become Count, but it also goes up by one when you just survive a round when you’re already a Count. Unlike Last Alive, in the stats section, surviving a round as Count still counts as being promoted to one.

Champion: Be first in 50 races.
The tally goes up by one when you finish a solo race.

_____ Trophy: Race through _____ and place 1st with more than 4 players.
In Accelerate, this can be earned from the first track; not at the very end of the game.

King of ______: Completed ______ without dying once (excluding bonus stages)
In Ball Race, if a player joins in last minute during the last stage of the map, they can instantly earn the achievement by only beating the last level without dying,


Thank you, I’ve updated the thread and I am looking into those issues.

These are all now fixed.

The achievements in the theater are still not working.

Stayed there with videos playing for a bit more than 2 hours, none of the friends achievements unlocked.
I intentionally ran around or kept spamming Tab to make sure my character doesn’t go AFK, and our queue nearly never stopped.

A lot of my friends unlocked the 2 hour achievement, but not the 10min and 30min one with friends.

I recently came across a bug that would keep rewarding you if you didn’t get the Steam Achievement yet if you did in-game, as I’ve gotten 40-60k Units from a Very Important Pal achievement. Maybe it would in some other achievements, too? Not sure.

I’ve actually had that problem with another Steam Game. When I met a requirement, the achievement would take several seconds to unlock. It’s probably Steam itself.

______ Collector: Collected 500 melons in total on ______
The achievement does work, but the large melons that are worth five melons do not add to your tally. Only small melons count.

Turkey Dinner: Get three strikes in a row. (XXX)
This achievement can be earned without getting three strikes in a row. It probably unlocks when you finish a game with at least three strikes.

Theatre achievements are still bugged.

In what way?

Never unlocks.

Ye, Get Together and Movie Night aren’t working for me and friends.


Here’s a long-standing problem: For pretty much every achievement that keeps track of your progress with numbers, they unlocks when you’re only one away from filling up the bar.

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Stingy Jack: I collected all 131 Jack-o-Lanterns, then my game crashed after collecting the last one. I heard the celebration noise for the achievement but I did not receive the achievement. I can’t interact with any of the Jack-o-Lanterns now and I don’t have a count for them. I have an image of all my Halloween objectives in the top right with no Jack-o-Lanterns count available here: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1673610360164716070/83340AC3F9E86E004109F2C3E7CE503F3A8CDE49/

Achievement not get :frowning:

I suppose it is still broken.

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I can confirm this. I know they were supposed to be fixed a few patches ago. Me and my friends went straight in after that update and none of us got it.

I think the new update broke the trivia achievment. I just (finally after like many days of grinding) got all 10 correct. Achievement didn’t trigger.

It only works when you’re in a game with other people unfortunately,