[] Amphitheatre achievement typos (Ampitheatre)

The achievements for the map Amphitheatre have the map name written “Ampitheater”.

Steps to Reproduce

Look at the achievements on Steam or in the collection book.
Read the titles of the achievements “Count of Ampitheatre” and “Ampitheatre Beast” (and also the section title in the collection book).

What I expected to happen

The achievements to be called “Count of Amphitheatre” and “Amphitheatre Beast”.

What happened

The achievements were called “Count of Ampitheatre” and “Ampitheatre Beast”.

Notes / Media

Spelling in the collection book:

Spelling on the START A GAME screen:

I don’t know if a typo counts as being broken enough to go in the megathead.


The achievement named/descriptions have been fixed but the section in the collection book still says “Ampitheatre”.


This is now fixed in the next update.

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