Attention GMT Donors - POLL CLOSING APRIL 4TH, 2016

If you are a GMT Donor before August 12, 2015, this post only applies to you.

In our Indiegogo campaign, we touched on what previous donors would get in Tower Unite for being a donor. We promised a 10% coupon towards Tower Unite, 5 exclusive in-game items, and a special condo room layout tweak.

I am sorry to say that we cannot deliver on the 10% coupon promise. When we came up with that idea, we had a poor understanding of Steam’s backend systems and wrongly thought we could issue out coupons. This is not the case.

In light of this glaring oversight on our part, we want to deliver something of similar value to our legacy donors in place of said coupon.

After some thought, we’ve decided to put it to a community vote. We want to know what item you guys want in addition to our donor offerings.

So to be super clear, donors will get 5 exclusive in-game items, and a special condo appearance tweak, and a community chosen item.

The Miniature Lobby 1 trophy is a replica of the original Lobby 1 map
###Please vote on the community chosen item below:

  • Exclusive item to Legacy Donors: Miniature Lobby 1 trophy
  • Exclusive item to Legacy Donors: Magic Banana (Melons turn into bananas in Ball Race)
  • Exclusive item to Legacy Donors: Classic text hat
  • Exclusive item to Legacy Donors: Sunabouzu shrine
  • 30,000 Units

0 voters

As an added bonus, all Indiegogo backers will also get the community chosen item as well.

We are sorry that we can’t do the coupon. It was always our intention to do it, and when we found out we couldn’t actually issue out coupons, we were disappointed. We will ensure this will not happen again.

Thank you.


Sunabozu for sure


Gotta get that classic text hat. One of my favorite items from GMT.


Mr. Sunabouzu is my favorite anime.


Shouldn’t this be “Donors”


Doesn’t the Miniature Lobby 1 trophy already exist though, or is this a whole different trophy from what I’am talking about?

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Shrine was, like, the rarest item in GMT. Gotta go with that.

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It is different.


Okay cool, thanks for clearing that up for me!

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If hat wins im going to make the text say “I voted for a shrine and all i got was this hat”


did you just steal my joke from discord

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not sure im not in the discord

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Well I am going to buy it either way.
To be honest, I didn’t even know that I would get a 10% discount

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I want all five thank you. :slightly_smiling:


When will the 5 in-game items be revealed?

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So then doesn’t this post apply to them too?

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Who keeps voting for the text hat? Come on guys. We get one cool item, and you guys want a hat with floating white text? Out of all the cool stuff?


When does the vote close?

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Seriously, who is voting for the text hat? I want names.


It makes sense since the hat is easiest to show off an flaunt around.
I love the idea of the lobby 1 replica personally.