[] NPC Model doesn't load properly

So basically after every times I’ve logged out from my condo, the previous NPC models within the condo would turned into Female character T-Posing

Only the Host saw this, Visitors don’t have these issue yet

To sum up, please check what’s actually causing this.

Issue founded
All previous model on the condo turned into T-Posing default female NPC

Somehow only host client experienced this


It’s a known issue


I’m also seeing this issue.

Most, but not all of the NPC’s I place in my condo revert to the default model after reloading the condo.

Most visible issue for me currently.

It seems to me like after 15 npc’s the models stop loading when you start your condo again, doing the Tpose, Like you said visitors see it fine but it really bugs me, and I want alot of npcs in my condo, got big plans

Definitely understandable, As my condo was under construction into the Museum, which will require lots of NPC standing around to be as mannequins. Sometimes it is pain to have seen my power armor guys turned into T-Posing girls staring down at my soul! XD