Weekly Dev Log for November 8th, 2021

Weekly Dev Log for November 8th, 2021

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for November 8th, 2021, detailing all the changes that have happened since November 1st, 2021. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.

October 2021 Halloween Condo Contest NOW VOTING!

It’s time to vote now for your favorite entry in the October 2021 Halloween Condo Contest!

The prizes are as follows:
1st Place - 2,000,000 Units
2nd Place - 1,000,000 Units
3rd Place - 750,000 Units
4th Place - 500,000 Units
5th Place - 300,000 Units

Participation prizes (100k) may be rewarded to participants when we are pleased with the entries, along with other bonuses for close contenders.

Voting ends November 10th, 2021 at 11:59 PM CT.

You can vote in this contest here!

Accessibility Suggestions

We’ve created a forum post asking the community for suggestions on how we can improve gameplay for players with certain conditions such as colorblindness, dyslexia, or anything else that might affect a players ability to use the standard presentation and controls of the game.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, and possible solutions on how to solve a particular issue, please check out the forum post here.


@Johanna finished working on the appearance store, as well as the new bridge that allows players to bypass the Plaza Minigame arena on their way to the pool. She started working on the the re-implementation of the monorail.

@joshua continued working on the new Plaza NPCs, working on idle animations.

@Wheezwer continued working on art for the shooting gallery ride, as well as the concept art for the Celebrations NPC.

@Will continued working on sounds and music for the shooting gallery ride.


@Sabrina continued working on migrating user information (exp, achievements, items) off of Steam.

@Lifeless continued working on the Ball Race, Midori remaster.

@macdguy continued worked on fixing some long standing bugs that have been reported on the forums.

@madmijk continued working on the playable guitar.

@Sketchman continued working on migrating user information (exp, achievements, items) off of Steam.

Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since November 1st, 2021 at PixelTail Games.

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Take a peek at what’s being worked on every week in our weekly dev logs! There’s bound to be something interesting every week!

Please report bugs & submit suggestions on our forums. We’re active everyday & here to help.
For bug reports: https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/c/bug-report/18
For suggestions: https://forums.pixeltailgames.com/c/suggestions/7

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<3 PixelTail Games


(But in all seriousness I’m so excited for the new plaza work and the playable guitar, keep it up!)


nice short one this week eh, still super excited for the monorail!!


That playable guitar is gonna do wonders for the community, I just know it