Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for March 4th, 2024, detailing all the changes that have happened since February 26th, 2024. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.
February 2024 Condo Contest (Kitchen) - CONCLUDED
Hey everyone!
The community vote is over and the results are in! There were 92 responses this time!
The winners of this month’s contest are:
1st Place - 2,000,000 Units - @Melisa
2nd Place - 1,000,000 Units - @ItsCat
3rd Place - 750,000 Units - @Kroeckinator
4th Place - 500,000 Units - @BeastMode
5th Place - 300,000 Units - @TheSolitaryGamer
Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and the vote! Keep an eye out for the next contest post!
Workshop SDK: Mover Tools
We’ve got even more things to show off with the Mover Tools this week!
Face Towards
Mover “Face Towards” feature completed. This is a rotation mode all movers have that will make the mover face towards another item.
I/O GOTO Input
It’ll travel to any relative position from where the mover item is placed.
Splines now support banking.
Mover Train
You can now select some preset train models (that have seats setup for you). You can also adjust how many carts you’d like (up to 10). If you want to make a custom one, it’ll just be like the normal mover and you attach items to it.
Trigger Volume Interaction
Now items attached to Movers can interact with Trigger Volumes.
Player Slide
Slide mesh can be toggled off.
We also have some miscellaneous condo features to show off.
Condo I/O: Random Module Improvements
Random Module now has a No Repeats option. This option will randomly pick a value once, without repeating that value again. The module now has an IO outputs for when all values have been picked (OnAllPicked), and an input to clear the picked values (ClearPicked).
In this demo, we have Counters being added to when their random value is picked, but when all values have been picked, the counters are reset. If Fire is called on the Random module again, it will not make any selections until ClearPicked is called again.
Condo: NPC AI Item
Started stubbing out the NPC AI item. It’ll be an item you can place down to spawn NPCs that move around. They have alliances (friend, foe, or neutral) and you can use IO to tell them to go to a location, or wander, or follow players. If they are an enemy they will seek and chase players and attack them with adjustable damage values. You can adjust their movement speed. They also have health and can be killed. The NPC AI item will let you spawn multiple of the same NPC with an adjustable limit.
You can customize the NPC just like a normal NPC, with workshop support and eventually dialogue support as well (for friendly NPCs).
Won’t be ready for next update, but work has begun on it.
NPCs can also use buttons when asked to, more interactions such as weapon support is in development.
@Johanna continued working on the Minigolf SDK. She also did an art pass and optimization on the fishing building in Plaza.
@Joshua continued working on the updated workshop player model skeleton.
@Lifeless worked on fixing art issues with the engine upgrade.
@macdguy worked on more mover tools for the Workshop SDK, as well as various Condo features, and getting things settled with the engine upgrade.
@Nuclearxpotato worked on new items and models.
@Sketchman worked on fixing issues with the engine upgrade.
@Wheezwer worked on banners for upcoming weekend events and made a new calendar for March.
@Will worked on music for SDNL.
Wrap It Up
That about covers everything that happened since February 26th, 2024 at PixelTail Games.
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<3 PixelTail Games