Weekly Dev Log for July 1st, 2024

Weekly Dev Log for July 1st, 2024

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for July 1st, 2024, detailing all the changes that have happened since June 24th, 2024. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.

Kalleira Plushie and Pins

Since you guys are awesome and funded our previous campaigns, we were able to start two Makeship campaigns on June 28th!

This time the campaigns are for a 3-pack of pins and a Kalleira (+ Cosmic Catsack) plushie. You can order them in a bundle, so you can save, if you want to do that!

The campaigns will be running for a limited time, so be sure to keep an eye on them if you want to snag them for yourself!

Buying this merch seriously helps us with funding TU’s development, and we can’t thank you enough for supporting us in any way you have already.

Also, to those of you who bought the Cornelius Plush: keep an eye out! Those should be shipping out later this month!

Eruption Update (

Last week, we released Update, which included a new Ball Race map, Eruption, as well as some new items, fixes, and optimizations.

You can read the full release notes here.

July 2024 Dev Update

Today, we released our developer update for July 2024, detailing every thing we worked on last month, and what future updates we’re working on!

You can check it out here.

Condo I/O and SDK Tools

@macdguy worked on a camera volume and camera IO items. They have follow and static modes. He also worked on a physics spawner, designed for Ball Race / Minigolf obstacles, but could be used for anything.

Camera Volume / IO Items

Physics Spawner


@Johanna finished working on the Minigolf SDK, and worked on optimizations for the plaza.

@Lifeless finished the Ball Race map, Eruption, worked on adding the SDNL voice lines, and continued working on several QOL features.

@macdguy worked on finishing the Minigolf and Ball Race SDKs.

@Nuclearxpotato continued working on a new Minigolf map.

@Sketchman worked on bug and crash fixes. He also made achievement icons for the Ball Race map, Eruption.

@Wheezwer worked with Makeship on the plushie and pins, wrote the Dev Update, and continued working on the arcade art pass.

@Will continued working on music.

Achievement Icons for Eruption

Wrap It Up

That about covers everything that happened since June 24th, 2024 at PixelTail Games.

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Tower Unite - Supporter Pack

Take a peek at what’s being worked on every week in our weekly dev logs! There’s bound to be something interesting every week!

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