Weekly Dev Log for January 25th, 2022
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Weekly Dev Log for January 25th, 2022, detailing all the changes that have happened since January 18th, 2022. Note: Devs that don’t appear in the weekly log are not necessarily away or not doing work, but may be working on things currently not announced or backend work that doesn’t need to be detailed.
Accessibility Suggestions
We’ve created a forum post asking the community for suggestions on how we can improve gameplay for players with certain conditions such as colorblindness, dyslexia, or anything else that might affect a players ability to use the standard presentation and controls of the game.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, and possible solutions on how to solve a particular issue, please check out the forum post here.
Next Update
We’re working hard on the next update, which includes numerous fixes and changes to Accelerate, Sunrise Isles - Track 2, and a “connectivity surprise” that was mentioned in the last dev log.
You can follow along with the progress of this next update, including a list of everything planned to be in this next update here.
@Johanna worked on finishing up work for Sunrise Isles - Track 2. She also continued working on the “connectivity surprise” mentioned last week, while also starting work on a new Virus map level designed originally by @Lifeless.
@joshua continued working on the Bowling NPCs and Guitar Animations.
@Lifeless continued working on Minigolf: Dark and Zombie Massacre: Acrophobia. He also helped @Johanna on the “connectivity surprise”.
@macdguy worked on splitting the Accelerate tracks into separate maps. He also improved the Votemap end screen, such as removing the roulette animations if there isn’t a tie. In addition, he worked on the “connectivity surprise” along with design work for Horror Hill and controller support for Tower Unite’s UI.
@Madmijk continued working on the condo instruments.
@Sketchman continued working on backend improvements and optimizations. He also worked on fixing the desync issues between what condo owners see in their condo, and what players who are visiting the condo see (in relation to item scale and position).
@Wheezwer worked on Steam trading cards, and looked into making Steam profile backgrounds. She also worked with @macdguy on Horror Hill concepts.
Wrap It Up
That about covers everything that happened since January 18th, 2022 at PixelTail Games.
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<3 PixelTail Games