Trading items or money

I’m not entirely sure where to put this suggestion, but I just wanted to suggest this:

I was thinking, it’d be nice to trade/give your friends some items (Excluding milestones) and help them build more of there condo while not really placing stuff. My friend told me he is kind of glad that no one can/place things because he worries that someone would move something wrong. Of course when it comes out (May or may not be a thing in the future, but it’d be pretty sweet to edit condos together) there’d be settings for specific people, and some will be given permission and some not.

And not just trading items, maybe some money or something related to that. Or, maybe just having the ability to lend a friend some coins.(That’s what I call Units, if that’s not the official name, I’m not sorry)

Trading has been discussed, but I can’t remember if it’s something the devs wanted to add. Also community condos are planned.

Sweet, thanks for the info

its a tough topic, since “giving players items they haven’t worked for is unfulfilling and isnt fair for people who got them all themselves”
but also for me to be able to trade exclusive event items for high prices feels like a thing i need to be able to do.

I think that in the end TU DOES need trading, especially since with community condos there will probably be one main player who builds most of the normal bulk of the condo allowing other players to build other areas, and allowing people to donate items and money to the main player to get the condo built better and quicker (as a team) is a nice idea imo.

To respond about the multiple people editing a condo thing: Yes, that is happening, and yes there will be settings to select who has permission to work on it.

As for trading, the problem with it is that there’s no going back once it is implemented. It will have huge effects on Tower’s economy and until the dev’s know that it’ll work, they can’t promise anything regarding it. Personally I used to be all for trading, but since then I’ve come to realize that it comes with so many complications that I’m now moreso against the idea.

gimme some of them tf2 keys for a cosmic catsack.

Idk if I’m wrong, but I remember MacDGuy saying that you won’t be able to trade units. For items, I don’t know

I don’t think the devs are against it, it’s just such a large thing to add because it can affect things and can’t really be removed afterwards.

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i just need a way to cash out on getting all these extra event items that are useless once you have more than 1 of them,
and selling them for such a low price isn’t fair imo, like i dont want to sell all these spooky guns for 1k each, i just want to give them for like a higher more decent price, helping me get more money, and helping the other player get that item they missed or are too lazy to get.
its just so annoying since half of the players need trading and don’t think the game is complete without it, but then the other half thinks it will ruin TU
(which unless you are a player which easily will get scammed, if so just don’t use the trading, its there but not a feature forced in your face, you can play without it)

I also like the idea of trading since it allows you to meet people and make friends, since if your trading you will be walking around talking to people who want to trade…
(rather than trying to talk to half dead mute casino players)

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Oh I know the devs aren’t against it, but I personally am after I considered it some more.

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i also want to be able to trade spare event items, but i sometimes just want to give some out since i don’t need to have 20 spooky guns and two sleighs etc


This thread is old as hell but I want to ask if the developers as of 2022 have discussed the idea again anywhere and if so, what their thoughts were. I personally would love to give some beginner player 10,000 units to start out with or at least some items to sell for units or just use. Just really need an update on topic regarding this big and important of an feature.

It is easy for a complete beginner to Tower Unite to earn 10,000 units. First they need only meet the criteria for some very basic achievements that are immediately accessible from the start. Here’s a few:-

  • Skeleton RP
  • My Inner Self
  • I Can See My House From Here
  • Human Blur

The units earned from these first four basic achievements is enough to buy the most basic jetpack to get in to Dev HQ and unlock Behind The Scenes, and also to buy a Camera to snap a pic of the photo shoot spots to unlock Photographer.

There will be enough units left over to buy booze from the Nightclub and interact with the bartender afterwards to unlock Best Pickup Line.

Also, playing perfect games of solo Nightclub Billiards pays 5,800 units a pop and a single game takes 2 to 3 minutes max.


Also, Ball Race/Minigolf/ZM/Accelerate all give 1500 unit achievements for playing each map (on top of the money you get from the game), so just exploring the game should net you a decent sum of money.


This is not what I meant however. I asked specifically if the developers were discussing the idea internally from the last time anything was talked about eventual trading system and if so did they have any points for or against the idea. I think people just ignore what I am asking for specifically. I am not needing information on how to teach my friend how to earn his first units even though it can be useful. There were no updates at all regarding this system, not even any slight mentions of trading being declined for example, anywhere officially since the topics about this started few years ago and then stopped being posted. I am pretty sure people still want to know what developers are currently thinking. Last time they responded, they mentioned that the system could be implemented if they knew it wouldn’t affect the game negatively and it would be through Steam Inventory/Steam Marketplace. But now that they moved away from Steam Inventory, what about it? Was the idea dismissed officially anywhere?

Trading items and units is still a hard no, from what I understand, mainly due to the developers not wanting to encourage the formation of an in-game economy and trading with real money.


We have no plans on allowing item or unit trading / exchanging.


Thank you for clearing up things.