I think we’re onto something
While you’re right about that, I still don’t think increasing the total amount of units is the way to go. 80% just sound too drastic IMO. But to be fair, I’ve never really looked into the individual payouts and how much time they take to attain, so I’m propably in the wrong here.
They are really low at the moment.
Considering the slow pace of blackjack, and the fact trivia has ten questions, this seems necessary to make them viable.
OMG all things are sooo cool , Keep it up
I do agree that theyre low at the moment. But 80 % is a bit too much TBH. Also do something with minigolf already. I JUST WANNA PLAY BALL RACE NOT GOLF GOODDAAMMMIT… WHY PEOPLE WHY GOLF.
Other things with golf: Its the only Singleplayer game in TU. Your score doesnt get compared to others. And unlike other gameworlds it doesnt have teams and co op and others. While im fine without Co Op. I think your score should matter
Now its actually “UNITE” * SEINFELD THEME *
By far my favorite gameworld
here we have yet another case of “oh no people enjoy something I don’t”
the more time I spend in this community the more it triggers me
OOO im sorry. I just think that minigolf is overrated. It represents TU on youtube. And guess what, the other gameworlds or plaza games have barely been noticed on YT. (Just search ‘Tower Unite’ on YT and find a video dedicated to Virud or even ball race)
Edit1: People dont play MG for fun. But for units(mostly)
that’s because they’re not as popular?
Will there be a public Beta of Zombie Massacre like you did with Little Crusaders? Which you can do before releasing the gamemode?
I disagree: one of my friend only plays minigames but doesn’t care about condos, casinos, etc…
I already asked him why? he answered that it was pretty boring but he finds minigolf (more particularly) funnier.
Wait, is casino really that great of a unit source?
I seem to lose money consistently when playing there, with the exceptions of videopoker and videoblackjack (which don’t earn nearly as much as some gameworlds)
I can’t speak for everyone but I like to collect a decent amount through game worlds before going to the casino, around 10k, and then just sit at a WoM machine for a few hours. If you stick at it for long enough you’ll eventually turn a decent profit, without even needing to win a jackpot.
Farming Units in Casino is way better than in Minigames. Which is why there are many people in Casino. if you’re wasting enough time in Casino you’ll always be either on the line ( which means you wont either win nor lose ) or you’ll get a profit ( either by playing alot or getting the Jackpot ).
Ho-lee shit
I have never been this hyped before