The Bone Zone 2019

Can’t join this one :man_shrugging:

Don’t worry it was unofficial and a one off.

There was a lot of insanity on the Unofficial Zone. Lich came in and did a takeover because he was not happy with me. We got attacked by boats, The Lich chased everyone, I did some singing, a lotta stuff happened

I ran out of stuff to do or say so I decided to end it early.

Next time I host something I should check with the others.
I hope you got images.


Here’s my official statement on the matter -
For the record I didn’t sign into the forums to be alerted of this and he most definitely did it anyways without getting the all clear. But fear not, me and most of the crew along with my lawyer Wiley M “Bone” burst in and had a few things to say. A hostile takeover ensued, and a good time was had by all.

The episode remains unofficial and unaffiliated with The Bone Zone, although as afore mentioned it was pretty fun to see a fans interpretation of the show. Also not to be a downer but just to throw it out there, I had to stop Agent several times from making announcements on whats going on official bone zone merch or whatnot and just want to say that final say always comes from me.
I appreciate the support, but if ya ain’t heard it from me it’s not confirmed authentic.

I’ll keep you guys updated if there’s any offial updates on when The Bone Zone proceeds, reminder that it has to do with an unreal bug so I can’t speed up the process. No pressure on Pixeltail, I know they’re already looking into it for optimization purposes.
Hope everyone had fun and has a good night. :skull: :heart:


That’s why I’ve stated it’s a one off, and I will not attempt anything like that again.


Here’s some screenshots from it lol:


I don’t know what came over me but the boat thing we did had me giggling to myself. I laugh at the dumbest stuff.


Was there anybody recording?

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Alexer was streaming the whole thing, it’s viewable on his Twitch page as a VOD.

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please like how the boat and the seal vid rotation synced up


I noticed that too, truly beautiful

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Here’s a bunch of photos I got during the Unofficial Zone the other day:


I didn’t go to this because it was unofficial, but now I’m wishing I did! This looks like it was fun too!


Well you’ll get to see my Condo Stage much more because I am planning on doing my own shows.

For now let’s wait.

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The lack of updates for Season 4 is bothering me. Has Lich been busy or something?

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My guess is that no fix has been identified for the problems that Lich had back in October, so all we can really do is wait. :woman_shrugging:

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@Agent2583 @Gurmble

The reason why We didn’t have Season 4 is because there’s a longstanding issue with Unreal 4.18 involving hosting servers and clients. From what I understand, the more individuals on a server, the more packets (pieces of information exchanged between client and server) the server has to process. The problem with this though is the host receives extra packets for each individual who joins, which ends up overwhelming the server and causing framerate drops, which then impacts the server further. Its highly present in Condos, where the host is the individual who owns the condo themselves, and the extra packets cause severe frame drops and therefore terrible latency. This was why Lich was unable to host the show this year. I do believe the upcoming Migration to 4.19 will solve these issues as Epic Games released a lot of improved networking code in that version so that Fortnite could handle 100-person servers with no problem.

All I can say for now is be patient and just hope for next year if we don’t get anything from Lich. Its ultimately up to him whether or not he can do these shows, and if he chooses to wait for the fix, then that’s his right. For the time being all we can do is wait and let the Devs do their job. If all else fails, we’ll get one next year, sure enough.