Sustainable Business Model for You, PixelTail. (And some of my suggestions.)

Howdy! This is my first post on these forums ever, and I have to begin by saying that I love Tower Unite. With each update the game gets better and better. In small part I’d like to say that more than anything, word isn’t getting out very frequently for Tower Unite. The last group from Garry’s Mod I believe arrived a couple of months ago, and since then I’ve just recently been able to convince my friends to join with the multiplayer condos update (huge thanks!).
I feel that in these coming months there are a couple of things you should focus on. As a programmer myself, I know you can often get committed to things and feel required to stick to them, but these are merely suggestions that I hope you all consider for the game that I and so many others love.
Firstly, I know you are a small team, 3 if I recall correctly. Being that this game has been in early access for years now, I feel that hiring a few more people to assist with the development aspects that are long and tedious is top priority. Getting out of early access and being bale to advertise this game as something that keeps updating with exciting additions would be great for getting it out there. I know there’s a huge potential community.
With that comes a cost, I know. Currently, especially with few new player additions, your game does not appear to sustain a constant stream of capital for you all to work with. I know you all have tried to avoid microtransactions, and I believe that’s a great policy, but rather than gating things off behind, let’s say a Tower Unite Premium, adding content and small cosmetic/social perks. Make this monthly, and don’t charge much. People don’t like subscribing to things they don’t use. Let’s say you charge $1 a month, and have a yearly $10 little discount as incentive for long term. It’s so affordable, and so minute, that someone would almost feel inclined to buy it. I want you all to be able to live off of this game, because I feel that the community is something incredible. I want you to also be able to expand your team. There’s so much potential.
I can’t quite remember my last point, but I’m sure it was just a small suggestion. Ultimately, it’s your game. Regardless of what you do, as long as the updates come I’m going to keep playing. But I’d just say to consider this for the long haul. The multiplayer and social aspect of this game is what keeps me coming back. The condos and plaza are the main draws. The minigames are great if I have friends on, but I do enjoy just chatting with new ones. Minor suggestions that I just remembered, since this’ll really be my only post: bigger lobbies, advertise this game more, push forward the social aspect, add more items (duh), condos with your own inventory for multiplayer, games in the plaza that require communication (like Mafia, etc.), and keep doing what you’re doing when it comes to adding stuff.
If you have any questions or want to talk further, I practically live on Discord and my DMs are open. sun#0019 or @scoocydoong on most social media.

Small thing but there’s, like, 10+ devs, not 3

That’s fair, and I should’ve specified, but I was moreso talking about the programmers themselves, not the artists. While they heavily contribute, many of the game is at the pace of the programmers themselves. My b

There are more than 10 developers. Using your own items in multiplayer condo building will come eventually in an update called “Community Condos.”
The reason why the plaza is so small is because it seems appropriate for a good social aspect. The old plaza map was really big and unorganized, and most of the time it was a little difficult to find players.

We’re a team of around 12. You can see more about our team here: Meet PixelTail Games

I would say at this moment in time this team make up is currently our best in a long time and we’ve been pushing out major updates in a timely manner efficiently.

I’d say the biggest programming task we have upcoming is Nightclub (which progress is happening on weekends at the moment) and new Arcade machines.

We’ve been putting a lot of effort into getting out of Early Access and then we can advertise the game a lot more.

We also have a Patreon if you want to support us outside of game sales. Patreon has been extremely helpful with server bills and other company needs. More information can be found here: Ways to Support PixelTail Games

If you want to give us feedback on what we’re working on and what to prioritize, we urge you to also participate in our October Priority Survey. Poll: October 2020 Priority Survey


Appreciate your and everyone’s responses. I suppose I should’ve read a bit more, lol. Just want the best for the game as I’ve had a wonderful time. Glad to see you guys are so active with the community. I know I’ll be supporting the Patreon soon, and this Christmas I’m going to buy this game for pretty much my whole Discord. Happy to see each and every update:)