Suggestion for items to buy

I just transferred my gmodtower stuff into unites. I have 63,000 of them. What would be some cool items that i should definitely buy?

I’d say don’t look for one particular item you want, but rather think about how you want to decorate your condo. Buy items that help achieve the desired feel you want your condo to have. Take a look around the condo showcase section if you want some inspiration, I know plenty of people have made ridiculously cool condos.

Use all 63,000 dollars for 60 sackcats and a bed. Then surround the bed with catsacks and let the nightmares begin.


Buy every appearance item in existence.

Buy the body pillow.

Why? Everyone has one.
And yes, I mean everyone.

wait why do I not have one yet

Why do I don’t have one yet?

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Huh, that’s strange. We both don’t have one.
But, earlier today, a nice man was in one of the corners in the arcade, and he said that he was selling them for a low cost. He told me everyone had one

I have a Pyrocynical bodypillow. Kill me plz

I still need to buy one. I’m ashamed of myself.

I’m saving up for one. I already have about 10K.
The thing is, though, what the hell am I going to put on it??
I’m just getting one because it’s cool to have one.

I don’t have a body pillow.
I recommend getting a button.
They are at robs imports.

i refuse to buy one

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if u don’t have any buttons ur gross

Is a belly button ok?

If you take mine, it’s ok

Why did they get removed? Some of it is still there though.

I’m going to make a button master race thread.