GMOD TOWER Gamemode files?

It’s not going to be released publically ever.

  1. It’s direct competition with Tower Unite. It is our responsibility, now that we’re funded by countless people, to ensure Tower Unite’s future and success.

  2. We don’t want to offer something we’ve been working on for 6 years for free.

  3. There are bugs, quirks, and undocumented code that is not release suitable.

  4. We’re done with Garry’s Mod.

  5. We don’t want to give the illusion of support from PixelTail Games.

  6. Hosting it requires more than just a dedicated server and some know how. It also requires modules that we have to keep up to date, and we don’t want to support those anymore.

  7. We will never sell it.

We won’t be taking down the Workshop content, so that will always be available to the public.