Animated realistic furry pets:
Ever used those pet keychains in early 90’s? Or played sim? Well how about heaving pets that you can buy at shops? *"**sonauwitch, we already have pets"
Well I mean use the power of Unreal Engine and have realistic looking furry pets that have richer animations for everything from sneeze,walk,run,scratch,making sounds,bark etc. And have ability to learn new tricks, phrases to speak after trained for a certain amount of time. (woah! a talking dog, that sings a lyric of some Beatles song or speaks some Morgan Freeman quotes) Players get the ability to feed, walk out their pet, have em complete in pet games and puzzles (pet parkour or games could be placed outside in the tower garden) and as a bonus Pets grow their fur and nails, and are needed to be bath after few days etc. (hehe how about secret underground pet battle show organized by tower mafia? just kidding!!!).
Whats new? The new is “look and feel” of your pet, unlike what you have owned in gmod tower, Unreal Engine has the ability to put realistic leashed pets into your hands.
for devs to implement- you can buy a set of realistic looking pets of various kinds with tons of animations in them. Optionally you can have em furs that grow or make some diseases that result in pet scratching a lot or sneezing. Example: Once a certain amount of time has passed a script will check for certain tags (a tag/keyword is given to a condition), are the pets bath, walked outside, trained? Once a player train their dog for a certain amount of days/time, the script will unlock a pet animation that is used as an idle animation with timed loop. Meaning that animation is unlocked and will play out if called via menu or play out on itself when the pet is idle.
Benefit: Gives the tower a more refined AAA quality feature. Fits well with tower’s core values.
Player hair and tattoo shop:
How about a player customization shop that sells styles not present in the default player customization screen such as special Hair styles, Colored contact lenses, Diffferent shapes of Nose, Ears, artistic lipsticks or various designs for girls and Tattoos for various parts of the body for guys?
Inspired by Gta San Andreas “Tattoo shop”.
Will give the richer to spend some cash on some high quality personal styles or nails and what not for better appearance and feel.