Random plaza events

I reckon it might be fun to have surprise random plaza events a few ideas I had were:

chainsaw massacre
players are stripped their jetpack (if they have one) and one random player is given a chainsaw and forced to hunt other players (payout for A. surviving B. kills)

running money man
one player is given a large amount of units and what used to be “the slappers”
which knocks people away if another player presses E on them then the units and “the slappers” are transfered to them. ( payout of whatever amount of money the money man has and to who is the money man at the end of whatever time)

hide n’ peep
an amount of units are hidden somewhere on the map for 10 mins and the person the find it wins! (payout to first to find the units)

look out below!
all players are teleported to a 5X5 square checkerboard and random squares are removed until there is one left. any players on the square get the units split between them

guess who?
a random person is given a mark on their back said person also has to try and blend in with other players if he is found the the finder wins! (payout goes to A. the person with the mark if they hide for long enough B. the person who finds the hider)

If anyone has any other events post them below :slight_smile:


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