Will any progress from the alpha be able to be transferred to the Steam Early Access?
The alpha will not go through steam so I am going to presume that they will have no way to track progess and even if it did, as development continues they would probably want to wipe progress anyway, so I am going to confidently say that no progess will transfer from the Alpha to the steam early access release.
dang that’s a shame, thanks for the answer
Alpha progress transferring into early access would be a bit unfair towards non-backers anyway, as that would give you an advantage over them. It would be reset after early access is done, but still.
Wow, I never looked at it that way, that is very true!
i am on windows 8.1 i use windows update but it’s still telling me to update to Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 can someone give me the link to that update since the one i just downloaded must be wrong
I have donated before on Gmod Tower, and I intend to support Tower Unite’s Indiegogo campaign soon. How does the 10% discount work? Does the discount have any effect on the copy of the game I get already by just supporting the campaign, or does it only affect any copies of the game I buy on Steam once the game is released?
Would it function similar way as other discount coupons on Steam inventory?
The discount is only for the full Steam release.
I believe you will be able to gift or trade the discount, though I’m not 100% certain.
Alright, thanks.
Will it cost units to make a room with the condo editor?
As of now, we don’t know exactly how the condo editor works. You will definitely need to spend units to expand your condo, though, whether it’s by buying rooms or expanding the building grid size (maybe a mix of both, who knows?).
My PC is too bad for update to Windows 8.1…
When I tried to update a year ago, it downgraded to Windows 8 after the second reboot and removed all my files (fortunately, there was nothing really important)…
Is Tower Unite planned to have DirectX 12 support? I know Windows 10 just launched a couple days ago, but I figured I’d ask!
When Unreal Engine 4 decides to support DirectX 12, Tower Unite I’m pretty sure will adopt it.
Will the condos be separately hosted from the Plaza (like in the Alpha version) or will they be integrated into the Plaza (like GMT)?
They’ll be separately hosted - same thing applies to the Game Worlds.
Thanks @butilka4
Is there any other way I can back tower unite and get the perks without using indiegogo