Official Movers Guide!

Movers are here!

Movers are one of the more complicated items in TU, but they are extremely useful for making things move in your Condo. There’s currently 4 different movers I’ll cover in this guide.

Mover Simple - Moves items from one place to another
Mover Path - Moves items across a path
Mover Train - Moves items across like a train with station support
Mover Player Slide - Slides players down a water slide or path, slide optional

Each type of mover comes with its own unique settings.


Mover Simple

Mover Path

Mover Train

Mover Player Slide



How To Use a Mover

All Movers are IO items, which can be found in the Inventory under the Condo IO / Game Objects tab.


Once you place down the Mover, you just simply use the Connection Tool (Tower Glove) to connect a Mover to an item you want to move.

Movers can move individual items or an entire group of items!

What Can Be Moved & How Do Movers Interact?

Pretty much every item, excluding physics items, can be moved by a Mover.

Movers can interact with physics and players. Movers can push players. Players can stand on Movers and be attached to the Mover while standing on them (until they jump off).

You can use Movers to make moving platforms, custom doors, traps, rides, and even other creative uses such as moving sound emitters and particle FX.

Moving Groups of Items

To move groups of items, simply make a Group by selecting the items while holding Shift, then press G to create a group. Once you have a Group made, you simply connect the Mover to the item of the group that you want to set the Mover origin to. Usually, you’ll want to select the base item of the group, like a platform.

Remember, pretty much ANY item can be moved by a Mover (with the exception of physics items), and that goes for grouped items as well!

Disconnecting A Mover

Items can easily be disconnected from a Mover by going into the Mover itself, going to connections, then removing the connection using the X on the right. Items will be placed back to their original position before they were attached to the Mover.

Pausing Movers

You can edit items that are currently being moved, that is, if you can grab them. It’s quite difficult to update items while they are moving!

Luckily, you can pause all Movers so you can edit your items and quickly resume the Movers again using the scoreboard. Press Tab to show the scoreboard and there will be a Play/Pause button (if you have IO permission / are the Condo owner).

When you pause Movers, it’ll temporarily detach the items from your Mover, allowing you to adjust items or add new items to the Group. Just make sure that you regroup the items when you are done before resuming movement.

:information_source: You can move individual items that are grouped by disabling the Edit Group Selection setting which is in the inventory settings.

You can also use the CTRL+Shift+G hot key to toggle group selection.

Mover Simple

Your basic Mover. This Mover moves items from one place to another place. It comes with options to Move To a location, Loop, Rotate, and IO inputs.


Basic Movement Settings

  • Auto Start: Starts the Mover on map load. You can toggle this one on to see the Mover in action immediately.
  • Move To: Moves the item to another position, relative to the Mover itself.
  • Duration: How long it takes for the Mover to reach its destination.

Loop Types

  • No Loop: Mover will move to its destination and stop. Can be interacted with IO events.
  • Back And Forth: Mover will move to its destination then back, endlessly.
  • Stop Then Loop: Mover will move to its destination, wait X seconds, then return back.


  • No Rotation: Mover does not rotate.
  • Spin: Spins the mover constantly, with a spin rate setting and spin IO events.
  • Rotate To: Rotates the mover from and to a rotation.
  • Direction: Rotates the mover in the direction it is moving towards.
  • Face Towards: Rotates the mover to face towards another item.

Advanced Settings

  • Trigger Events: Used when you want a Mover to interact with Trigger Volumes / Players.
  • Start Delay: When to start the Mover should Auto Start be enabled.
  • Offset Position and Rotation: Useful when you want to offset the item or move its pivot point for rotations.

Mover Simple Examples


Rotate Back And Forth

Stop Then Loop

Showcase: Goto Command

Mover Simple comes with a powerful IO command - Goto.

This command will override any current movement (except spin settings) and make the item travel to a relative position on demand.

With some buttons, you can make an elevator with Goto.

In this example, the buttons are just calling:
Button 1 → Mover Simple → Goto ( 0, 0, 0 )
Button 2 → Mover Simple → Goto ( 0, 0, 150 )
Button 3 → Mover Simple → Goto ( 0, 0, 300 )
Button 4 → Mover Simple → Goto ( 0, 0, 450 )

The Mover figures out the rest for you.

Mover Path

These Movers are useful for non linear movement, such as going across a path or curves. Mover Path follows a spline path that you can edit and add as many points as you may need.

Basic Settings

  • Auto Start: Starts the Mover on map load. You can toggle this one on to see the Mover in action immediately.
  • Duration: How long it takes for the Mover to travel the path.
  • Closed Loop: Will loop the path back to the beginning, effects how the Loop Types act slightly.

Loop Types

  • No Loop: Mover will move to its destination and stop. Can be interacted with IO events.
  • Back And Forth: Mover will move to its destination then back, endlessly.
  • Stop Then Loop: Mover will move to its destination, wait X seconds, then return back.


  • No Rotation: Mover does not rotate.
  • Spin: Spins the Mover constantly, with a spin rate setting and spin IO events.
  • Direction: Rotates the Mover in the direction it is moving towards.
  • Face Towards: Rotates the Mover to face towards another item.

Advanced Settings

  • Trigger Events: Used when you want a Mover to interact with Trigger Volumes / Players.
  • Start Delay: When to start the Mover should Auto Start be enabled.
  • Offset Position and Rotation: Useful when you want to offset the item or move its pivot point for rotations.

Editing Paths

To edit the path, there’s a new tab called Spline. You can also edit the path by right clicking on the Mover and hitting Edit Spline.


Once you have done this, you’ll see spline points show up on the Mover. These points can be moved and adjusted. You can scale them to adjust the curve between points and rotate them to adjust the roll.

You can also click on individual spline points, which have a couple useful tools:

  • Add Point: Adds a new point in front of the current point.
  • Align Point: Aligns the point to the point in front, useful to straighten points.
  • Reset Roll: Resets the roll to 0.
  • Delete Point: Removes the current point, while keeping the rest of the points.


:warning: When you are done editing the spline, you MUST hit Finish & Save (or Save Spline with the right click menu) to submit the spline to the server and save the data to the Mover. If you do not do this, other players will not see the path update.

Exporting/Importing Paths

You can also Export Paths to duplicate them to other Movers, or to share with the community! The Export Path button will export the Path to your clipboard. You can also import paths by copying them into your clipboard and clicking on Import Path.

Mover Train

This Mover is similar to Mover Path, but amped up quite a bit! This Mover is focused on providing train / rollercoaster functionality. It will automatically handle acceleration down hills, and deceleration when climbing up hills. We use this for Dark Voyage and the Poseidon Roller Coaster and now it is yours to master!

Just like Mover Path, it uses the spline path system. Mover Trains however, must be a closed loop!

Mover Train also comes with an optional visual track!

Basic Settings

  • Auto Start: Starts the Mover on map load. You can toggle this one on to see the Mover in action immediately.
  • Speed: How fast does the train propel forward when not influenced by hills. This is also called the “Cruising Speed”.
  • Station Wait Time: How long does the train wait at the station before continuing to move again.


  • Cart Type: Sets the type of cart this train has.
    • Custom: You can attach a group of items just like Mover Simple/Path. Currently only supports 1 cart at time.
    • Coaster: A roller coaster cart with 4 seats.
    • Dark Voyage: The car used in Dark Voyage with 4 seats.
    • Dark Ride: A dark ride car with 2 seats.
    • Golf Cart: A golf cart with 4 seats.
    • Minecart: A minecart with 1 seat.
    • Shopping Cart: A shopping cart with 1 seat.
  • Cart Number: You can have up to 10 carts on a train. Does not work with Custom cart type yet.
  • Cart Spacing: Adjust how much space the carts are spread across the train when moving.
  • Track Type:
    • None: No visible track.
    • Train: Standard train track.
    • Coaster: Coaster track, sized for Coaster Cart Type.
    • Dark Voyage: A floor based track, sized for Dark Voyage.
    • Dark Ride: A floor based track, smaller sized.
    • Monorail: A monorail track.
    • Simple: A simple tube track.


  • Direction: Rotates the cart in the direction it is moving towards.
  • Spin: Spins the cart constantly, with a spin rate setting and spin IO events.
  • Face Towards: Rotates the first cart to face towards another item. This currently only works with the first cart in the train.

Advanced Settings

  • Trigger Events: Used when you want a Mover to interact with Trigger Volumes / Players.
  • Offset Position and Rotation: Useful when you want to offset the cart or move its pivot point for rotations.

Adjusting Speed Dynamically

One very common element in roller coasters is speeding up (maglev) or slowing them down (brakes). If you enable “Trigger Events”, you can use Trigger Volumes and set the speed of the Mover Train using the SetSpeed IO input.

Keep in mind that the train does have friction simulated, if you need to stop the train on a dime, there is a Stop IO input and a Resume IO input.

Mover Player Slide

One of the more simple and straight forward Movers. This one is designed for slides. You can turn off displaying the slide if you like.

Players enter the mover by pressing Enter and they are then put on a set path down the slide.

Uses the same pathing tool that Mover Path/Train uses.

Interaction with IO Events

Movers come with various IO events, such as Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, Reverse, Goto, Start Spin, Stop Spin, etc.

You can use these IO events to control how you want Movers to work, or to trigger a Mover with a Trigger Volume.

Interaction with Trigger Volumes & Players

Movers can interact with Trigger Volumes, but by default they do not. You’ll need to first enable “Trigger Events” in the Mover properties.

Note: Some items such as the Spikeboard or Automatic Doors will require “Trigger Events” to function while attached to Movers.


Trigger Volumes also come with a filter to filter specific objects, such as Movers. You can disable Player Filter then enable Mover filter to have Trigger Volumes that only trigger with a Mover.

Mover Trains and Mover Paths are also compatible with Trigger Volumes!

Mover Paths come with a unique way to trigger IO events, if you wish to use this instead of Trigger Volumes. Each path point will automatically generate an IO output for you to use when the Mover has passed through that path point. These path points don’t require Trigger Events, which are more optimized than Trigger Events.

Performance Notes

Movers aren’t too expensive on their own, but moving large amounts of items can be expensive. We have made optimizations for Movers that should help with that. By default, Movers have “Trigger Events” setting disabled. If you enable “Trigger Events”, your Movers will start to impact performance, so event trigger movers should be used carefully.

Mover Train only has 1 hidden event volume when using Custom Type which is at the center of the movement.

Generally you should try to use Mover Simple for your movement needs first as it’s less demanding, then try Mover Path.


Examples & How To Make Them

Okay, so you’ve read the above post and now you’re wondering… what can I make with these fancy Movers?

Well, quite a lot! I’m not even entirely done coming up with ideas myself.

Here’s a couple I’ve personally made.

Secret Passage
Spike Crushers
Spinning Hammer
Dark Ride
Water Volume

Secret Passage

With a Mover Simple, Lever and a Bookshelf, you can easily achieve hidden passages.

First, place down your Bookshelf and carve a hole.

Then, place your Mover Simple down and set Move To 80 (to move to 80 units to the left), Loop to No Loop, and Auto Start off.


Then connect the Mover to the Bookshelf, move it to cover the hole. Add decorations (like 1 single book because that’s all I have) and the lever.

Make sure the group the decorations and lever with the bookshelf! You may have to Pause/Play the movers using the scoreboard button to see the group move.

Now, edit the Lever to add the IO inputs. For toggling movers, you’ll want to use Reverse. Reverse is a special command that Reverses the mover no matter what position it is at - like a toggle.

And just like that we have a secret passage!


This one currently requires a bit of setup. We plan to have an elevator button panel item very soon to make it easier to setup buttons.

Before you get started, you’ll need to make a button panel. This can be achieved in multiple ways, but the easiest is just using Button Shapes.

Once you have setup your buttons, you’ll also want to take note of the distance between floors.

  1. Make a platform, which for this example I’m using a canvas cube.
  2. Attach a Mover Simple to the Canvas Cube.
  3. Using the Goto function, setup input events on the Buttons to the Mover Simple.
    Here’s an example of what button 3 looks like:

For each button you’ll want to use the Goto function. Goto will travel the Mover relative to its starting position.

Spike Crushers

Very simple setup. A Canvas Cube with Spikeboards (for visuals) and a Damage Volume all grouped together.

Spawn a Mover Simple and attach it to the Canvas Cube and set the loop type to Stop Then Loop and the Reverse Rate to 2 so it crushes faster but returns slower.

Then make another one of these with an opposite Mover Simple.

Don’t forget to adjust your Damage Volume to deal a deadly blow!

Spinning Hammer

A Mover Simple with an offset to have it spin from the handle instead of the center.

Motion Theater

A Mover Simple with Rotate To and From being used.


Movers can connect to other Movers! This one is a bit hard to type up, but you’ll first want to create your individual movers that go up and down on the Carousel.

You’ll want to pause movers while making this one.

  1. Each individual animal is a Canvas Cylinder with a Plushy grouped together.
    Once that is made, you attach them to a Mover Simple. This Mover Simple just moves up and down with Loop set to Back and Forth.
  2. I use a Canvas Cylinder as the base, with a Mover Simple attached to it with Spin turned on.
  3. Move each of the animal Mover Simples on to the Canvas Cylinder base in the locations you want.
  4. Select ONLY the Mover Simples of the animals and group them to the Canvas Cylinder base. You do not want to group the animals themselves, only their Movers. Their Movers will keep them in sync with the spinning mover.
  5. Resume movers and enjoy.


A Mover Simple with just the Offset Position configured to adjust the rotation pivot.

Dark Ride

Mover Train, with the Dark Ride Cart type and Dark Ride track type.

Water Volume

Yes, you can even move Water Volumes, which is useful to fill a room with water.

This one is just a Mover Simple that is just traveling upwards.

Feel free to submit your own mover examples or share paths in this thread!


Is there any chance we can get a dedicated forum category for official guides?

In the past I have had trouble finding info on new / newish features added to the game, especially if the is no (that i can find) info in the game itself.
For example I had to do some google-ing to find the group / ungroup keybinds, or even how to set up the laser projector.


Wowwwwwww I haven’t played the game in years but this is making me consider checking it out again, there’s so much potential for fun condos with this!

Firstly, since this is my first post, I am a mega fan of this game and constantly recommending it to people, so I’m not trying to come across as negative with anything I’m saying.

One thing I’m having trouble understanding is whether the train movers support multiple stations or only one singular station. One of my condos (Smooth Dirt) has been converted to a city and the new movers got me excited to create a “bus line” to transport players to some of the more public places of interest I’ve constructed (There’s an entire system of secret tunnels under the city with quests and puzzles, but I’m talking about stuff like clubs and little bars :D) but after splining up my streets, I noticed I could not for the life of me figure out how to actually create a NEW station.

Seeing “station support” for specifically a train mover did somewhat imply to me (and I understand this is my fault lol) that it would work akin to the monorail in the plaza - that you could set stations and it would move through the stations, waiting at each for the specified time before setting off to the next station. However, it would appear that it is only the coaster style of station support, that being a singular station where passengers dock for the ride, of course.

This could already be a feature and I’m just blind and completely missing it? I’m not entirely sure as I did not see it specified exactly in the documentation here either. In my imagination, I thought I would’ve been able to right click a spline and “set as station point” or something along those lines. Obviously, programming that functionality in is not as simple as just saying it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s already a planned feature and I’m just jumping the gun a little bit here. Apologies if that is the case.

Either way, fantastic update, that takes a Condo editor that’s already a lot like a map editor (that are usually third party programs) and gives it even more map editor-esque functionality. I’ve been going crazy building condos and pushing the editor to it’s limits to figure out tricks and things, and I’m not stopping any time soon.


You can setup stations in that way, but it requires some IO events.

You will want to use a Trigger Volume and place it at where you would like your train to Pause at, then you can use the delay feature that’s built into all the events and then use Resume to have it keep going after X seconds.

I can see how the Station Support isn’t very clear in this way and I do hope to have spline points contain more data such as being marked as a station point.

Here’s an example of how you can make your own custom stations.

In this example I have a Mover Train with a bit of track, then I added two events:

0.0 | OnTrigger to Mover Train > Pause
5.0 | OnTrigger to Mover Train > Resume

I also added a ding sound that plays when it arrives at the station. You may have to adjust the trigger volume’s position a bit to get it to stop at the exact location you want it to.

Make sure the Trigger Volume only includes Movers

And make sure your Mover Train has Trigger Events enabled

Here’s a video of it in action:

Hope that helps!


Perfect sense, thank you!

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One thing I’m wondering, I wanted to make a motion theater ride inspired by the Back to the Future ride. However, that would require a lot of timing for when the mover seats/car actually throttle back and forth. Are there any tips on how to include timed stationary moves like this? E.G. the seats/car aren’t moving forward or backwards, but instead just rocking side to side at specific times and then stopping, and then starting again.

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I suggest you chain movers (path mover relocating a simple mover, simple mover attached to cart group), that way you can program the simple mover to produce your secondary movements and play/stop them at any time during the ride without much hassle.

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I think for this a mover controllable is the best fit. With that one you can rotate and move it how you need. I’d use Goto for forward and backwards movement and SetRotation for tilting. But you’d also need to attach this mover to other movers as well, if you want to have it be resting on an arm like the rides.

As for timing, I would use Timers. It would be a bit of setup currently. I really want to make a timeline module for things like this, but if you place down a timer, then set it to start at the timestamp of a video to do your movement, then have one Timer for each event & timestamp you want, you can use the Timers to plan out all your movement events. The reason I’d use Timers is you can reset them all at any point so you can reset the ride back.

I do think a Timeline Module would be very helpful for these types of things and something I can look into making.

I agree, a timeline would be cool. The other thing that could maybe be helpful is if it could be possible to watch two different videos at once. I would like to try to get a video of the dashboard video for the ride playing at the same time as the video for the movie screen they put up in front of the ride. Thank you for the reply.

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Hi there. I’m trying to make my condo a active city with the mover io. I made a street in my condo and I’m trying to make a airport as well.

1: I wanted cars to be able to pull out of a parking space, then drive off, obeying stop signs, traffic lights, etc. I could put a timer down for the stop signs, traffic lights, etc but how would I get the cars to keep facing the right direction of travel, and have them drive around going around randomly down different streets?

2: I wanted to make a airport with a workshop plane going backwards of out of the terminal gate, then waiting to go down the taxiway, and then taking off. How can I get a plane to backup out of the gate, then have it turn the direction of travel down and then have it go down the runway with it tilting to lift off then have it start leveling off and then how do I make the plane wings turn slightly using condo io mover?

Can somebody please provide me a tutorial on how to do these 2 things please? :slight_smile:

These “two things” you want would probably require lots of outside the box thinking. In other words, I don’t think anyone can give a concise tutorial here for such a complicated creation.

Edit: The first is probably the hardest, try to break it up into steps. The second task should mostly be controlled by path movers (except wing tilt).

1: I wanted cars to be able to pull out of a parking space, then drive off, obeying stop signs, traffic lights, etc. I could put a timer down for the stop signs, traffic lights, etc but how would I get the cars to keep facing the right direction of travel, and have them drive around going around randomly down different streets?

I have attempted this before, I’ve never been successful as it’s quite challenging and requires a spaghetti of IO. You might be able to do it with mover path with a complex spine, and have it stop at dedicated stations with trigger volumes. Then use a few random modules to choose a direction but I am not sure how you would alter the path, I haven’t messed with that too much. Also adding many mover paths with multiple vehicles would likely be very taxing on performance. I also had issue making it turn smoothly as well as loop properly. It will require a lot of testing and wouldn’t be easy.

2: I wanted to make a airport with a workshop plane going backwards of out of the terminal gate, then waiting to go down the taxiway, and then taking off. How can I get a plane to backup out of the gate, then have it turn the direction of travel down and then have it go down the runway with it tilting to lift off then have it start leveling off and then how do I make the plane wings turn slightly using condo io mover?

This is maybe a bit easier but you can use the same thing but move the spline vertically on the Z axis.

Take this with a grain of salt, I have tried this before but it’s really challenging and time consuming.

TL;DR can the levers switch track directions?

If you daisy-chain the path movers, you are able to store multiple splines at once. Maybe some minimal daisy-chained configuration that can give the car it’s dynamic movement while keeping the performance impact to a minimum.

For the issue of turning smoothly, are you scaling nodes when editing splines? It personally took me a while to figure out that was how I was supposed to get smooth curves.

We’re moving our official guides into one place.

The movers guide has already been ported to the new guide website and some more details have been added to it here: