Money storage

Banks were brought up many times in GMT, and I think the reasons it was denied still hold up, so I’m gonna put them here:

[quote=Lifeless in the old GMT previous suggestions thread,] Add some kinda bank system!

This is ultimately completely pointless. You can’t magically lose all your money, so it wouldn’t be needed for safety. We also don’t want to basically give out lots of free money (which bank interest would be exactly doing). Gamemodes earn players enough money easily, and saving isn’t a hard concept. We will not add this as it is not worth our time.

THEN AGAIN, Animal Crossing does have a bank system and there’s no way to magically lose your money in that game, but you do earn interest on it and PTG isn’t going to do that…

Not to say it isn’t a bad suggestion to consider, but maybe it’s not entirely necessary.