Mic spam

How is Rob micspamming? I never see Rob spam or play music

I guess his constant yelling could be considered mic spam.

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Good point, but that’s not really what I’m having issue with :stuck_out_tongue:

Still gonna go and report the guys who play music when I can

I’m sorry for mispamming (i do congas a lot and i play music for people but i also enjoy raiding condos with clippy or other friends and playing funny music. or i just make duck noises or other noises with a third party program.) and is This considered micspam too? (i recommend watching with medium volume.)

Yes, that is practically textbook micspam

When you break rules you’re not supposed to make an apology.

you can definitly see that’s just for fun and not to annoy people, some people just micspam for the sake of annoying others instead of entertaining, these people give micspamming a bad name, also i don’t micspam when someone tells me he/she doesn’t like it, then i’ll just search someone else and not stick around like thsese guys do

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In-Game Rules for GMod Tower:

also This is what I consider as micspam
(well actually the rules DO say that music over mic is against it but everyone else does it and i have never seen anyone get mad about it or whine about it, they just do the dance emote and say things like: what’s that song called or they laugh.)

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If you’re trying to entertain people use the in-game functions. Go to your condo and make a party announcement that you’re streaming music, I’m sure people who want to hear it will come.

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Scroll to the top of this page, that’s exactly why I made this thread.
And I got responses such as:

i think that most of the people don’t really care about “Micspammers” because some micspammers aren’t considered annoying, i always have some people forming a conga line behind me or dancing around me or forming a crowd and i love that, i’ve only seen like 2 people who whined about it because its against the rules, if people like it and have fun then nobody really minds, in my opinion there should be different category’s of micspam: the annoying and the enjoyable kind

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People use this a lot too, and you see no one saying things about this because not many people know what scripting binds are.

Scripting binds are very much against the rules. If people report them they are dealt with very harshly.

If you’re annoyed by someone, just tell him to bugger off.
if they don’t, Mac and his team will deal with this.

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i think that most of the people don’t really care about “Micspammers” because some micspammers aren’t considered annoying

Basically this.

i have never seen anyone get mad about it or whine about it

And neither have I. Maybe because they know what or where the “Mute” button is :open_mouth:

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Neither are people hacking into the server and releasing the wheel odds, but that doesn’t make it okay

In GMod there’s a key that automatically opens the dev console, of course a large majority of players know what scripting binds are…

Probably because you don’t play GMT

Well hopefully now that this thread exists they will instead report and have the player banned

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 2 hours unless flagged)

This is a Gmod Tower forum, we’re talking about Gmod Tower

No need for personal attacks, I never boasted about myself anyways :S

gee, i wonder who flagged that comment, someone who must be very sensitive against people who micspam
also i always wondered why people like you don’t just approach the micspammers and tell them what you think, i think the reactions will be from the people around the micspammers to stop whining or just go be somewhere else instead of whining about it, if you don’t like something, just don’t try to end it in your favour but just ask them to stop instead of brutally reporting them and ruining the fun, jeez