[Map Bug Megathread] The Plaza / Lobby

The front sign of the DIY store swaps textures when you get too far away.

easiest one



with your RC

press E for enter and left cliks for RC

you can use in arcade. same in everywhere

Found another one.

go up here

between here

go middle

go to fruit store

and… down here


here with tiny potion’

inside here

liitle jump

the warp

down here is under map

and strange wall

Riptide Retreat world queue bug, causing you to load into Sunrise Isles instead.

This actually is just a visual bug when you first load into Riptide Retreat because it’s still technically on the Sunrise Isles map. At the top left it says Riptide Retreat and will start it after you ready up.

Since Casino is part of the plaza, I would like to report this collision that happens on the Texas Hold’em area

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A post was split to a new topic: [] Firework launcher undoes jetpack

I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but there’s a line of flowers under the water on the southwest part of the ocean going out towards and on to the island that Nahnia used to be over. They’re in clumps of two or three which is a lil funky.

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There’s a small area on the beach where a water volume is clipping through the sand, despite it not being anywhere close to the water.


Floating rock near Oasis

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I’ve never noticed because screen-space reflections only working on translucent materials if you’re using Temporal Anti-Aliasing but the Temporal Anti-Aliasing kinda bum ugly, but the reflections for the pool are uhh seemingly non-existent when compared to the ocean or the lazy river.

Also attaching pics of ocean/lazy river for comparison.


Lazy River:



The floor of the lazy river house near the west stores is a bit messed up:

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Which settings do you use? The foliage is present for me so it may have been overly-optimised on lower settings.

True. Cubemaps might’ve also been cuz I had high quality shaders off too. Deleted it, simply was a skill issue.

The fountain’s upper water stream lacks the white basemap the lower ones have, only having refracture to it.


Lobby chair sitting positions

Speaking of chairs- the clover looking cushion maybe footrest things have you sitting directly in the middle of them, which looks a bit odd.


Some of the other seats don’t have you sitting quite centered, which could be a design choice, maybe leanin’ off to the side y’know how it be- but the one closest to the map in the main lobby has you clipping into the arm rest which seems a bit more extreme.


Tower Threads playermodel room light clipping into tube

Tower Threads has some clipping foliage

There’s a palm and some grass clipping into the playermodel room.

Tower Threads ceiling gaps

The panels used for the ceiling in Tower Threads has slight gaps between them, allowing you to see through it ever so slightly.

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I found a floating support beam at the pool slides.

There’s a couple holes in the tower, directly above the roofs for DIY and Tower Threads.

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