Make up great lies about yourself

Make up some amazing lies about yourself
(Try and make them funny)
I am the best player on Tower Unite!

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  1. i am not addicted to tower unite
  2. i am not addicted to tower unite
  3. i don’t repeat myself
  4. i don’t lie about repeating myself

Wow don’t lie. I am not a hypocrite

im good at getting gold catsacks

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Me too!

I have 843867583383657 units.

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I have a cosmic catsack. I have an early access version of lobby 3.

I’m a Masterclass ball race player, I have the world record on all the courses! Even on the courses that aren’t out yet!

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I have all the achievements and milestones. Even though, they’re not out yet

I have enough friends to have a conversation with.


Totally good at rigging very good maybe even the best. And im never unsure about myself maybe.

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My dad works for Pixeltail and can totally get you banned!


xDDD sure n00b!

Halo 5 is the best Halo game to date.

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I am halo 5.


Everybody agrees

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Now i don’t like repeating myself but look at how good this model is

truly i am the best model rigger on tower unite ever. i am the best model rigger on tower unite ever.

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Wow that’s… great!

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I have alot of friends

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