Macro questions

Macros in aren’t allowed in TU as stated by the Tower Unite EULA (End User License Agreement)

CTRL + F, Search for: automation software (bots and/or autoclickers);

It has been stated a few times times that using macros is against the rules:

So it seems that using macros is not allowed anywhere on the servers that are run by Pixeltail.
(However macdguy has said that in his opinion he doesn’t have a problem with people using piano macros in the player condos:)

Some people have apparently already been caught and punished for using macros

Personally i don’t care if you are using macros and what that macro does as long as it isn’t being used to impact gameplay by say using it to grind achievements, grind for cash, give you an unfair advantage against other players who are playing without macros. or spamming the chat with random messages.