Login Bonus

Was browsing this thread and was curious about the “Login Bonus” on the old GMT Trello.

Has there been any word about a bonus for logging in for a consecutive amount of days in a row in Tower Unite? (I’m sorry if this was already asked or answered, I searched the forums and couldn’t find any other info on it.)

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This has already been suggested and I believe the general consensus was that this would not be added.


Interesting Suggestion.

I think it would be best if it weren’t added. That kind of bonus would encourage people to log in and log off after they’ve gotten it; possibly may eliminate some of the social aspect.

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In GMT it was going to be an award for going to the servers during that day, not every time you join a lobby server.

EDIT: I meant once you join one lobby server you get your reward but you can’t join any more servers and give you a prize.

I should clarify that my point was that people would probably focus on getting the units more than the actual socialising aspect of the game. Example;

  1. McDermottx94 logs into the TU server (Official One)

  2. He obtains the bonus for logging into TU.

  3. Instantly, disconnects and quits the game.

  4. Rinse and Repeat.

It would almost be as bad as farming units, IMO.

DISCLAIMER: I have no issues with the farming of units.

Shouldn’t the login bonus only be from the main menu screen, before you join any game? That way, the player has options on what to do next, or just leave. This also prevents farming, because the same login bonus cannot be earned on multiple Ranked servers on the same. Also, this means we won’t see people logging in and then immediately out of servers.

There’s no reason to force someone to play what they don’t want. This is a system designed to motivate players to keep coming back, and perhaps can serve as a way to get Units if the gameworlds are broken for whatever reason.

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I don’t think it’s the best plan to have daily login bonuses. Then it will feel like a free-2-play mobile game which you gain rewards for logging in daily. I think that is something that the developers is going to keep away of as I think we would have a better experience without it.

I would get so much money.