Less anime in trivia

less furrys in game
impossible to play an innocent game of trivia with my cousin without having “whos the composer of the jojo adventure theme song” “whats the plot of the 216th episode of naruto”


I agree with “Less anime in trivia” but “less furrys in game” got me good lmao


Listen, Trivia is meant to broaden your mind and enhance your culture palate. Anime is a great way to do that.

Also ngl, your argument became immediately invalid by starting with, and I quote, “less furrys in game”. I’ve been playing for 4 years and I can tell you that won’t happen lol.


But do the vast majority of questions really need to be about anime though? Clean up and remove questions on niche topics from OTDB


I agree with both

Trivia should be more like trivial pursuit and less like naruto quiz 2021

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