Clean up and remove questions on niche topics from OTDB

In an average Trivia game, you are highly likely to get maybe 1 to 3 questions regarding niche topics from OTDB, that only someone with intricate knowledge of some obscure media be it televised anime, manga or video game is going to be able to answer correctly.

Questions like these do not fall within the scope of what most would define as general knowledge, and should be removed.

Seconded. Rarely do my friends and I ever get questions that the general public would have any knowledge of.

I realize that “general knowledge” is subjective, but questions like “How many keyblades are in Kingdom Hearts” are extremely specific.


I don’t have a problem with these as much as the problems that have blatantly wrong answers. Numerous questions easily verifiable through googling are just outright wrong or dated

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needs more trivial pursuit style questions

We verify every question and answer extensively. You can report any that you find inaccurate here: How To Report Incorrect Answers

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