Laser Tag various suggestions for balance

I’m inclined to agree with a lot of this, I proposed a similar colour solution in this thread:

Honestly I don’t have many qualms with Laser Tag’s core gameplay, though I suck at literally any FPS game, so it might be hard to tell how much is me being bad, and how much is iffy game mechanics. All in all, I can’t really comment on the aiming/shooting part because I have no clue.

Invincibility frames and indicators for where you’re being hit sound good, just some simple quality of life, would make following a dead player less viable.

I actually really like the idea of a dedicated Laser Tag player model. I’m in favour of having Workshop player models usable everywhere, but I think that could work like LC and Planet Panic do, where you just become a different one for the game. It might be nice to have accessory support as well.

As I said in the thread linked above, I think the best way is to have the arena divided into 4 colours (The same colours as all the teams). Having the colours be client-side seems unnecessary, and wouldn’t really work when we finally get the other two teams added. An arena coloured in quadrants like that would be interesting for gameplay, and is generally the accepted standard for Laser Tag arenas in real life.

I’ll also add having Laser Tag be more of a global game (Like game worlds) might be good, obviously it’s a jump (Though it wouldn’t literally become a game world), but it’s more expansive than most Plaza games, and could use more players.

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