Infect multiple players at the start of a round depending on playercount

Absolutely! The infected really only get deadly when they start coming from multiple angles. I also still think rage should affect different numbers of initial infected depending on how many players there are; an enraged infected is incredibly deadly when there aren’t many players around, but the sheer firepower of a larger group can definitely make it feasible to last a while. Ironically, two normal infected almost always makes you worse off than a single enraged! As more players join the server, I think a greater number of infected should be enraged before it passes the threshold for disabling rage.

Or maybe we could bring back my years old suggestion for adding a scaleable rage system. Basically, each infected has a personal rage level (which probably affects their colour, getting more red as they are more enraged). Rage increases when there are more players on the server and as you, personally, get killed more. Rage decreases exponentially as more players overall get infected. I think it’d help solve the problem of small numbers of normal infected having a difficult time even getting close to a survivor.