Idlescreen is coming back!

for the background of the video like chase said it would be cool to have it subtly have it alive, either through the trees swaying, or a time lapse of the lobby (bit like this… but better,

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Oh wow, that’s really really cool. I could definitely give this a try.

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i have said a lot of ideas
but the idle screen as it is right now, i would take
since it works really nice as one rn

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Since the news of the video is fairly long (almost 7 minutes!) I’m hoping when a video plays and returns to the idle screen, it’ll return to where the idlescreen left off instead of restarts from the beginning.

Feel like almost no one will see those community highlights at the end or will find the first set of news repetitive.

Also if possible look into making the end of the video and start transition more smoothly, otherwise this is fantastic stuff. I really like the more modern iteration of the idlescreen with the animated text and slides.


It’s all finished now, September’s edition is ready to go! Thanks for the feedback though, the transition is seamless when it loops in the final version.