I was thinking about that, maybe I could have the message switch to “Hold Q to queue a video” every now and then.
So, like, what else should be featured on the new and improved Idlescreen? I’m trying to think of what to feature. Any suggestions?
@ThisIsntNath Perhaps Popular Fourum topics or TU news like Devlogs n stuff? I don’t know if there’s a way to shoehorn in direct community contributions but if there’s a way that’d be cool.
I’d say upcoming updates/specific additions to the game (Features, maps, items, etc.), most people aren’t really aware of the upcoming features and road map. I think that was a common thing on the GMT idlescreens.
Maybe some thing connecting to the trello? Like when something gets checked off in the last few days, they show it there, that could be cool, i don’t know if it’s possible though.
Sounds like a great idea! I’ll definitely include some upcoming stuff from the Trello.
Ooh that’d be cool! Something like a “Sneak Peak” segment where you show off some pics and clips of the next update would be pretty nice. It’d be a cool way to get people excited for new maps like the upcoming village update, or bigger things like the Arcade.
Additionally, it could be nice to have the occasional scene with a simple message like “We’re on these sites! Check us out!” along with links to the forums, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, etc.
And if there are upcoming events like Twitch streams or newer condo contests, I think it’d be helpful to have clips advertising those so more people are aware or them. Little scenes saying “We’re going live on Twitch next week, hope to see you there!” or something like that.
Awesome ideas! I’ll definitely see if I can put these in.
I was also thinking of making a biweekly thread for screenshots you’ve taken in the game - some funny ones could be featured in the Idlescreen. Thoughts?
Yes! I missed this feature! How would music work out though?
The current plan is to use Monstercat music, I listen to loads and they don’t mind people using their music on YouTube.
Not much of a fan of Monstercat
I don’t like most of their new stuff, but I was binging everything they were putting out from 2014-2016. Now it’s basically Monstercat Instinct I listen to.
Yeah their older stuff was pretty awesome. Gotta put some Tristam on that Idlescreen playlist
Though I thought their stuff needed to be licensed if used in commercial products. Is it fine for Idlescreens since those technically aren’t packaged with Tower?
That’s what we believe. It’d be playing a YouTube video with the music in, which seems fine. We had a look over the Monstercat licensing website and we should be all good.
This is good . I like this
hell yeah one more thing i loved in GMT is coming to tower!
I recently discovered the Instinct channel and it’s all stuff right up my alley! Gotta put some Grant on there!