Give "Placement" EXP for lobbies that have less than 4 players

Hello, I think overall, a small but not insignificant reason people don’t play SDNL as much as the other modes is because of its slow EXP rates among the majority of people who play it.

This is a result of games on a lot of modes taking a while to finish, not getting many kills and also placement heavily factors EXP gain.

It’s not uncommon to see SDNL player with less than 4 players, but the problem in regards to EXP is the fact that if you have less than 4 players, you do not get any placement EXP. You only get EXP for “playing” and kills.

I suggest that placement EXP at the end of games should always be active, from 1-3 players. This would help boost EXP gains for everyone, and would be a great quality of life.

I do not see much reason to restrict it to lobbies of 4 or more. I do not feel EXP “farms” are in any way an issue for the game, and even without placement EXP at 1-3, if people want to farm they will.

I think this change would be a net positive overall, and I do not see it with any meaningful downsides.